Personal Reflection on my Hive Journey

in Reflections3 months ago


Let's reflect on my personal Hive journey. It actually began before Hive's birth. It started in 2019 on xxx but then I put a pause on blogging. I had been blogging forever, on my own website but was burned out from the, hmm, commercialization aspect, like you see now on e.g. Instagram, f4f and such - yuk. I needed out and found xxx.

One day when I checked back in on xxx in November 2020 - the hardfork had happened - and I was even more confused by all the blockchain and crypto. What HAD happened?!

Spoiler alert - I still am confused! I am pretty much a normie and illiterate when it comes to crypto. But,

I entered the world of crypto through Hive.

I considered Hive$ 'play money' - you know like in Monopoly. I know this is simplified and I now realize that Hive means actual money for many people around the world. I am not ignorant to that. But, personally, I am still not on Hive for the money but

I am on Hive for the people

reading about their experiences and for sharing my own experiences and parts of me, mostly my art, be it photography or paintings.

I like the blogging, writing

about my art and process and the chatting in comments. Hive gives me the platform to do this.

I like connecting with people around the world

and exchanging thoughts and views. THIS I like a lot.

I like that I got to know the power of NFTs

through Splinterlands back in 2021. But for the past year or two, SPL hasn't been fun anymore and I have slowly been getting out, selling my assets.

I am re-focusing completely on creating art and Hive blogging.

I guess in that respect

Hive gives me focus.

Thank you.


300 words on the nose :D

Yeah, it feels like Voldemort, he who shall not be named! The former platform lol.

In a nutshell, some rich dude tried to buy the platform, artificially got a bunch of witnesses stood up and tried to take control of the consensus witnesses (top 20) and people went ballistic and hive was born. Fun times, it was exciting being part of it, even a meager bit!

I agree with you on many of these things! The “money” on here doesn’t feel real even though I know it is for many people around the world. It’s great to keep it going but the best to expand our circles and get to awesome comment exchanges, posts, art and the like from people all around the world. That’s the gem of hive IMO!

Yup, completely agree with you on what is the real gem of Hive. Too bad I was absent at the time of the fork.

300 words on the nose :D

Well, I cheated and edited. I was a little over so I tweaked and then it became obsession, no, not 297 or 299 it had to be 300 - LOL

Ok, so you didn't win because you didn't want to but this cool entry deserves something so here's a decent vote, I sent it to curangel and...1,000 Ecency points; four others got 2,500 but I couldn't let this effort go by without a little sumpin!


p.s. Clean shoes/boots says a lot about a person. ✅

Awww, that's sweet, I appreciate you. Thank you.

The shoes - LOL - sorry, they may give a wrong impression. Due to the angle you're not seeing the side and bottom and I just stepped out of some mud beside the road taking close up pictures of leaves and bark while the top of the shoes was washed clean by the rain - I got really soaked that day.

Hmm, ok. Muddy boots say a lot about a person. 🤔😁

Also, you're welcome, I couldn't let the post go by unrewarded. Well, I could have, just didn't want to.

Hahaha - very true about the boots. I bet you have those muddy, wait you're in Oz, dusty boots around after a day shooting on the farm. But I bet they don't stay that way very long.

Yep, I love my boots. (R.M. Williams.)

I used to love them when I was down under horseback riding. They were comfy and good quality. Hm, wonder if I still have them...