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RE: Oops and Downs

in Reflections2 months ago

Ah, the doom and gloom spiral. Some of us live in that space at all times, believe nothing will ever get better. Many of those seem to develop terrible, fatal illnesses, and thereby create their own doom and gloom reality. I wonder if your colleague actually has those thought running through his head at most times, even the good ones, but when he's busy he doesn't notice them as much. Sounds like this guy has recovered.

While I would hate having no one to come to my aid, and fortunately have quite a few people who both would and have, I believe that the best "cure" for loneliness is to enjoy your own company. Was this guy out and about a lot, hardly ever alone even though not is a relationship? Having a place like Hive would help, I think.

The snafu at work is something you've talked about before, and recently. Maybe this would be a good time to give a little toot on your own horn?


I wonder if your colleague actually has those thought running through his head at most times, even the good ones, but when he's busy he doesn't notice them as much.

This is what I imagine - but they keep themselves busy. However, they did say that normally they are quite positive and optimistic.

I believe that the best "cure" for loneliness is to enjoy your own company.

Oh for sure! However, I think that this is also impacted by the state of the current conditions. When things are good, people tend to say that they are happy to be alone, but that is probably because their head space is positive too. When things turn though, that darkness arrives.

It might be a good time to toot a little, but I will give it some space first, to see what other fires arise :)