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RE: Moments Of Life

in Reflections7 months ago

Wow.. this is one of the most interesting piece I've read today. Thank you for sharing your experience. One thing about doing good and oing what is right is that it always comes back to you, sometimes in multiple folds. There is a joy that comes with giving and I'm glad you could experience that severally. I really enjoyed reading this, thumbs up.


Thank you @samiwrites, I'm glad you liked my post.

One thing about doing good and oing what is right is that it always comes back to you, sometimes in multiple folds.

I never think about that because I do what I do because it is needed, not because I expect something in return. It's good to get help when you need it and it's also good to pay it forward. I hope we can change people with our acts and attitude.

You're welcome @erikah I understand your perspective and I totally agree that it's better to give without expecting anything in return. But from my experience whether you expect or not you get blessed.🤗🤗🤗 You're blessed 🤗

Thank you for the nice words @samiwrites 😊

🤗🤗🤗 Anytime @erikah