Half Days

in Reflections6 months ago

Today was a bit if a different day, as instead of a full day of work, I took Smallsteps to the office for the morning. After sitting through a remote meeting with my supervisor, we headed out to lunch for sushi at a restaurant close by the office. Then, back to talk to a friend and colleague that she knows, before heading into the city to wander around and see what mischief we could get up to.

We ended up at a music store.


Smallsteps had never been into a music store before, and was pretty impressed by all of the different instruments on display and spent a fair amount of time strumming on the strings of guitars, tapping xylophones, looking at picks, drumsticks and then, the pianos. It was a relatively small store, but they had a baby grand Steinway, and she really enjoyed playing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on it. Then, she tried other pianos to see what changed in the sounds.


While there wasn't that much to see, we managed to wander around for about an hour, talking about different instruments, choosing our favorite color guitars, and tapping on bongos. It was so simple, but a lot of fun!

With nothing much planned though and the weather not great for walking, we went toward a department store, but with a challenge I made up - someone was following us, and we had to escape. This meant taking a circuitous route through various streets and shops, and once in the store, sneaking around the racks of clothes, going up and down escalators, elevators, and around displays.

Again - a lot of fun!


Smallsteps was saying the other day that she felt sad because when the teacher asked at school who was going away for the ski holiday with their family, many children put their hand up, but she couldn't.

At that point, she didn't know that we had planned a weekend trip for us to a swimming center, and still doesn't know, because we had to cancel it due her eye infection. We often try to surprise her with things that are special, but I think that we should do it less and instead let her know what we are going to do, as she is talking more about these things with her friends, and finding her place socially. Being able to discuss some of these things can help her better build and understand relationships with people.


Tomorrow, Smallsteps will be with her grandparents again for the day, but on Thursday and Friday, she will spend it with my wife, and they will have girl time together. This is valuable too, and I hope that it will lead to a strong connection between them in the future, though I do think that we should spend more time together as a family outside of the house, doing something different - anything. It feels hard in the winter to do much though, especially when the weather is pretty horrible to be outside.

We should make the effort still.

It doesn't take much.
Just a walk, with an imaginary adventure attached.

[ Gen1: Hive ]


She is beautiful, Smallsteps I would say very photogenic GOD bless her, and protect her always wish many parents were more responsible how you express yourself and always talk about your daughter. You can tell she is the apple of your eye.

She is pretty awesome and I tell her almost daily how lucky I am to have her in my life.

Mr Taraz Smallsteps is beautiful and growing up happy, family time when our children are that age is valuable and it is the best time for her to strengthen from love, security, creativity to develop resilience, makes her strong, with mettle, and learns to look at the future with eyes of possibility, she is a star like the ones she wears on her sweater.

I wish that her left eye gets better and she can enjoy a swim with Mom and dad.

She is definitely a star in my eyes. Not sure how she will grow, but I am pretty sure that will never change.

Will not change Mr. Taraz, I have of my three children stars tattooed on my soul, even the one that already left for the heavenly eden still shines in every beat of my heart, ever ánd forever.

I know what you are talking about with the weather being bad. This time of year is always a bit of a struggle with my wife and I. We had our nephews last Friday night and there are so many things we could have done if the weather had been better. It sounds like you had a magnificent time. That's too bad about her eye infection. Definitely smart to avoid the swimming for a bit!

It is hard to get out when it is just slush and sleet going on.

That's too bad about her eye infection. Definitely smart to avoid the swimming for a bit!

Luckily it is fine now, so if all things go well, my wife will take her for an overnight trip to a swimming pool center so they can swim and eat well together.

Oh, that is cool then! It still blows me away that the whole country just basically goes on vacation at the same time!

The week winter break is staggered over three weeks, with the south going first, then the mid, then the north.

Summer tends to be most of July off.

No way, they have it all divided out like that? That's so crazy.

Yeah - it is pretty well organized here. July depends on job roles and things, but in general, most people take most of it off, though some are now taking a couple weeks earlier, or a couple weeks later. Business models are changing here also.

When I was organizing my work visa to come here, they said that I left it "late" because Finland is closed in July :D

Very interesting. Over here it is more of a free for all. I'm sure you can imagine.

I think she needs much more time to spend outside with her family as she is going to be a big girl :) It is pitty to see you are not available due to bad weather, contrary we have warm days since Saturday and seems it will go on for a while.

Definitely more time outside needed - but it is easier when there is some sun and it is dry ;)

This is important. Mum was taking her time every day telling me a story with my favourite personages, like a modern anime, but via storytelling. Still important, almost as important as the imaginary trips to different countries using a map. Mom was my Google back then.

The imagination can be an incredible resource - it is such a shame that rather than using it, we Google an answer, thinking it is a better result.

I think you should try to take Smallsteps on a ski holiday so she will be able to share her experiences with her friends and also not feel left out anymore

I don't mind her feeling left out at times - it is good for building resilience :)

That seemed like a very wonderful day of bonding between you two. I think this can be a core memory for her, and that she would remember the silliness of running around the department store fondly.

I hope so. At least, I will remember it fondly!

So photogenic! Sounds like you've got a great week planned, and that you are enjoying it, @tarazkp

Have fun.
Annabelle 😊