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RE: On the Walls

in Reflectionslast year

Photos are something that will go on my walls too. I have plenty to sort through. We have one from our first trip together in our bedroom.

My dad was a freelance photographer. We had a full darkroom in our house. It was pretty cool.

Did you learn to use it?
My grandad was a hobby photographer too - the only person I know who had a color enlarger at home. He had built a darkroom in his woodworking shed :D

It helps that my best friends dad owns a custom cabinet shop!

Living the dream!


Based on the photos you use in your posts, I can tell you have quite the eye for it. I did spend time in there with my dad, but I would say my sister bonded with him more over that. We only had a black and white enlarger because he is colorblind so he figured what is the point of trying to develop color photos. Those he would send in to a professional lab.