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RE: You Did You

in Reflections6 months ago

Why settle for some guy with a chipped tooth, when you can get one with a perfect denture?

With a chip on his shoulder instead! ;D

The connections I make are more promising, too, because they're usually based on having something in common,

Where do you meet?

If I was single - it would be through dancing (salsa types) or gym - things I am interested in doing. But, the people I would meet there aren't "like me" by default. A different algorithm is in play. Mine :)

had uploaded a selfie taken while on a date with me on Tinder, a

Oh, that is pathetic!


Where do you meet?

Mostly through shared interests. Dancing, also! I've been doing a lot of contact improvisation/jam type events. At shows or exhibitions. I think it's more natural and gives you a better shot, 'cause you're meeting through something you (already) have in common, you know?

Yep - I completely agree. More natural and something in common, but still that space for "completely different" in other ways in terms of backgrounds, professions etc. :)

So vital. We've got this skewed impression that "the perfect partner" has everything in common with us which just sounds like enmeshment to me.