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RE: A Daily Conversation

in Reflections9 months ago

Often, introverts are smart, but they are low value because they choose not to learn how to get their ideas across. So, the stupid of the extroverted make the rules. :D

Wherever I am and whatever I am today, it's because I know how to build relations, and at least add some sort of value.

It is a huge value. "Networking" used to be a silly buzzword, but now a lot of the younger generations have very low social skills, despite them being digital natives and able to talk to anyone. They end up talking at, not to.


but they are low value because they choose not to learn how to get their ideas across.

Exactly! If you don't showcase your ideas and share your thoughts, then how will people even know that you're capable of adding value?

So, the stupid of the extroverted make the rules.

Ain't that a fact? 😂

but now a lot of the younger generations have very low social skills

I myself know a few examples. They're the type who are absolutely quiet face to face, but when it comes to the digital realm, whether it be through voice or text, they just become 5 times more talkative and confident. They're just a bit too shy upfront.

I used to be like this, but now what you see face to face, you'll hear or interact with the same version through text or voice chat; whether it's WEB 1, 2, or 3.

but when it comes to the digital realm, whether it be through voice or text, they just become 5 times more talkative and confident.

But, the issue is, are they quiet face to face because there they have to prove themselves, but online they have google support and a screen to protect them from having to actually have skills.

but online they have google support and a screen to protect them from having to actually have skills.

I guess that's a thing too. That's why we have so many keyboard warriors all around.