A Daily Conversation

in Reflections9 months ago

Last night I was reflecting a little on why I like to write daily and I think I discovered at least part of the reason, which is because it means that at least once a day, I get to have a decent conversation about something I find interesting. It is not that I don't have decent conversations in the real world, but it isn't always on a daily basis, which means I don't get my "fix" for discussion.


I value conversation a lot and after a good talk, I feel more energized, more alive and more connected to the world, as well as other people. However, I also find that the level of discussion can suffer a lot these days, as many are more aware of the possible social consequences of saying the wrong thing, so they do not dive deeply into a topic, before watching their words in a self-censorship process.

On Hive though, I think people are a bit more open to discuss, which is a bit strange considering it is immutable, but also comes down to the pseudonymity the platform offers. There are obviously good and bad sides to this in terms of level of discussion, as while it can mean people speak more deeply, it can also be that they can get a little crazy under certain conditions. All in all though, the level of discussion is quite good and it can help build perspective, as there is a wide variety in the user base.

However, thinking a little more about the level of discussion in the world, I wonder if the average person is having at least one decent conversation about a topic they care about daily. And, if they are not, I wonder what kinds of impacts it has on our lives.

I think that while we have access and can be surrounded by quality content, it doesn't mean we are truly engaging with it in a useful way, as the conversation can be one-sided and self-supportive. However, in a meaningful conversation, we are able to build our perspective against the springboard of opposition and varying perspectives. We are able to flesh-out our understanding and build a deeper and fuller, more robust view of a topic.

And of course, not only this, through the conversation, we are able to connect with each other in personal ways, as we are engaging minds and discovering belief systems, as well as collecting the stories of their lives, as their own experience with a topic gets referenced. It becomes a relationship and there is value in standalone, but these conversations also stack to build a relationship history and common ground, as well as differing ground, which helps us be more accepting of each other.

One of the great things on Hive is that there is still the possibility to engage with the author directly. On most of the social medias and especially with the "celebrity" accounts, it is a one-way street, where comments on a post are very rarely engaged with by anyone. Most accounts on Twitter for example get close to no engagement, even if they are commenting on others. Here on Hive, you can talk to me through various channels, the easiest of which is to drop a comment on my post and I will most likely get to it.

Whilst it might not be the same as over a coffee (or a beer), this means that we can have a proper conversation about a topic and as there is some kind of separation, we can possibly even talk about difficult items without getting super emotional. Well, some of us.

I feel there is "hygiene value" in having daily routines, where like brushing our teeth and showering, we should look to find ways to keep our mind and attitude healthy also. A big part of my daily mental and emotional routine is through writing, and that connects me with the relationship support too, where connecting people helps me stay more centered. Not only this, it assists in the learning something new process, as well as keeps me diving into my own understanding to reflect on my positions. And, through this, I think I might help others do a little of the same.

There are a lot of people who have seemingly lost their ability to have a balanced conversation, and we do see them on Hive from time to time too, but they are more the outliers. For the most part, there are a lot of different kinds of people trying to learn a little more about their world, by engaging in a community in a new way, or a different way than they are used to.

Eventually, it could get to the point that it is more like mainstream media where people do not get any replies from creators and most creation goes unconsumed, but we aren't there yet. So, right now if someone on Hive wants to build a quality follower base, they can, if they choose to. What is likely the most efficient way to do this, is to have conversations that people care about, in a way they they want to engage. It isn't easy to do, but it is possible.

But, perhaps for those who struggle to create the starting point for the conversation at the top level, engaging with thought and a little effort with others who are can help learn. If not engaging well through comments, it is difficult to build the skills necessary to create engaging content.

A lot of people claim they don't write or comment a lot or well because they are introverted, but that is an excuse. I am introverted too, but I have learned not to be under various conditions through practice. It has been uncomfortable at times, but it is very much possible to build social muscles, in the same way it is possible to build physical muscles. And the more practice, the easier it gets.

So, what about your daily conversations - are you engaging?

[ Gen1: Hive ]


I'm actually getting a bit worried because I am finally just about to the end of my content that I collected over the summer. I have some ideas for posts in the future, but I am afraid they aren't going to hit or get the same engagement that my other ones do. It's a bit stressful. I don't plan on quitting, but I wonder how my viewership and people commenting might suffer due to it. I will likely be using the Reflections community a bit more because my posts will be more thoughtful and less about specific places or things.

I find that being personal keeps people engaged, because I feel that a lot of people are lacking it in their IRL routines. 25 years ago my dad was a relief teacher and the young kids would crowd around him because many didn't have male role models in their lives. When we are lacking something, we look for it somewhere. It is the same with a lot of life now - though what we fill the void with might not be what is needed.

Yeah, that is a good point. I am sure the people who have been following me will continue to do so. I just know my posts in specific communities these past couple of months have been getting a lot of eyes. I expect that will decline as I have to switch content. Although my post about being proud of what you create did better than I expected.

I get a sense that anything that helps people be better, has value. Some seem that they just want to teach what can easily be googled.

This makes sense, honestly, I don't really engage in conversations. I read and consume A LOT on a daily basis. I am always thinking and it makes sense to communicate with other people to broaden thoughts and bounce ideas.

btw, you don't need to vote your own comments :)

haha! Out of habit! thank you :)

I reckon that if people used the platform well, they would get benefits in their daily life off platform too. I know I do :)

I think that I must write daily. If I would take a break it would likely become a habit and I would no longer take blogging seriously enough. Besides now my rewards are nice and I even get some comments. So I need to keep momentum going. Disappearing again would be one of the stupidest things I could do.

So I need to keep momentum going.

Taking a break tends to become a habit. I have seen many drift, just because they aren't here often enough. But, it is up to the individual if they see it as worth it. For me, it isn't the earnings (although I highly value them) as much as what I get out of being consistent and engaging with others.

I don't know, I feel more and more objective and contemplative, perhaps not assertive because I am always going against the current. I read a lot of content here in the hive; there is a lot of waste that is highly valued and good content that gets passed over. I'm inclined to post daily in what I love to participate in which are the challenges, usually on Thursdays I write something to meditate on from my point of view... Certainly, I stay active, I don't quote big earnings, but that has never mattered to me in this medium.

Do you think you are going against the current or, are you just someone who complains about others? :D

I think there is value in engaging with different forms of content, as well as different kinds of people. However, I also feel that some people will only ever see what they want to see, regardless of what they are viewing.

It's easier to destroy an atom than a prejudice...
Albert Einstein.

I don’t engage enough. Being an introvert is a big part of it, but even online I’m just not very prolific. Yeah, it’s a growth area for me.

What do you think holds you back from growing in that direction?

Inertia? 😅

I really don’t have a good excuse. I have gotten a bit better over time though. Back on the old chain, my engagement was few and far between. Now it’s merely sub-par, but that’s an improvement over dreadful.

Baby steps, baby steps…


Gravity stops me from weighing less! :D

well, on hive if someone doesnt like you, he/she has means to punish you by downvoting, so we need to be careful :)

Lots of people don't like me :) I have also been downvoted a lot. However, I don't downvote because I don't like a person, I downvote when they act like dicks :)

During the day, I talk most with my wife; she is almost always nearby. Today we talked about the film "Openheimer", which I saw in the cinema yesterday. The movie ticket cost only $2.15 and I will probably go see this movie again, but this time with my wife.

2.15 for a movie ticket! That is 1/10th the price of here!

I want to see it, but haven't had a chance yet.

Do you and your wife share a rich conversation landscape? I know many couples who are lacking in this area.

Yes, she quickly grasps new things and learns quickly, just like me. I can talk to her about a variety of topics, from the ripening of vegetables in our garden to what's new in astrophysics.

A lot of people claim they don't write or comment a lot or well because they are introverted

I "was" an introvert too, but as I grew older I understood that being an introvert gets you nowhere. To learn, to grow, to build something meaningful, you'll need a handful of people around you, good people, and the chances are most of these people will be strangers.

So, you have to go out there and build relationships, and that's exactly what I did, I became the most talkative introvert in my circle. Wherever I am and whatever I am today, it's because I know how to build relations, and at least add some sort of value.

Often, introverts are smart, but they are low value because they choose not to learn how to get their ideas across. So, the stupid of the extroverted make the rules. :D

Wherever I am and whatever I am today, it's because I know how to build relations, and at least add some sort of value.

It is a huge value. "Networking" used to be a silly buzzword, but now a lot of the younger generations have very low social skills, despite them being digital natives and able to talk to anyone. They end up talking at, not to.

but they are low value because they choose not to learn how to get their ideas across.

Exactly! If you don't showcase your ideas and share your thoughts, then how will people even know that you're capable of adding value?

So, the stupid of the extroverted make the rules.

Ain't that a fact? 😂

but now a lot of the younger generations have very low social skills

I myself know a few examples. They're the type who are absolutely quiet face to face, but when it comes to the digital realm, whether it be through voice or text, they just become 5 times more talkative and confident. They're just a bit too shy upfront.

I used to be like this, but now what you see face to face, you'll hear or interact with the same version through text or voice chat; whether it's WEB 1, 2, or 3.

but when it comes to the digital realm, whether it be through voice or text, they just become 5 times more talkative and confident.

But, the issue is, are they quiet face to face because there they have to prove themselves, but online they have google support and a screen to protect them from having to actually have skills.

but online they have google support and a screen to protect them from having to actually have skills.

I guess that's a thing too. That's why we have so many keyboard warriors all around.

Actually introverts can be engaging. In smaller groups. Or even behind the keyboard on via text. I don't see any issue communicating with people or commenting on posts on Hive though. For me, I think time is the constraint. Haha.

Introverts are often skilled in narrow areas too, which definitely means they can be engaging - if they talk. :)

Time is never on our side.

I have conversations every day. It's my job as teacher, father and husband. But I keep coming back to Hive because it is a premeditated conversation. In other words, I had the think at least a minute before I could comment. I can find all the edits and comments on the blockchain if I look. Even if they are "down voted" on the front they aren't muted. People have a voice locked in here. We don't have to verify our ID so we could be anybody, but doing a blog long enough and it is hard to be anybody but yourself.

"premeditated conversation" - sounds like a crime! :D

We don't have to verify our ID so we could be anybody, but doing a blog long enough and it is hard to be anybody but yourself.

Precisely!! I think this is part of the reason so many people also try to hide - they don't want themselves to be known. Yet, I think they should reflect on why.

I would say that out of the millions of sport people, there must be introverts, even though they have to play in front of massive crowds, like in the football. They have no choice but to be known, but they don't seem to mind being known for their skill.

"sounds like a crime!"

Hmmm. I guess there is room for motive, but the opposite is what we run into everyday and can often lead to a crime. Too many examples, but just one simple one I saw on the subway. A guy spills his coffee. An older gentleman tries to explain that drinks are not allowed on the subway. The guy swears and trows his cup at the older man. The older man in his wisdom closes his mouth and moves to another car to avoid conflict. That is the world we live in.

As for identity... I wish more unknowns came to Hive and made their skills known^^

One of the things I live from ongoing conversations on Hive is the mind image we create about the other part. In a way, it is a little bit like those hand written letters we used to write to friends long ago. With technology, that habit has been lost but the engagement you were getting was amazing.
In hive, this engagement is also big but you get the bonus of quick fast interactions compared to long regular mail delivery times :)

That is a very nice view of it! Yes, it is like letter writing without the wait, but it usually has a longer wait then Whatsapp or the like. There is a trading of time, thought, energy and care in a comment here.

Funny enough, it's almost impossible to get a response from beloved content creators like in youtube. Rightly so because there are hundreds or thousand of comments you can't possibly do them all. I wonder if that will ever happen on hive.

I feel kind of reflected in you. I feel quite energetic when in a fluid conversation without not so much drama. I have noticed I have became less dramatic over the years, more specially since I discovered getting angry over anything these times is useless, unless you are a martial artist which would most likely make you punch harder. Or maybe running from a bear.
It's kind of a convenient think to adress on oneself, don't you think? After all, if one enjoys deep conversations one must be capable to breathe under very dark waters.

Funny enough, it's almost impossible to get a response from beloved content creators like in youtube. Rightly so because there are hundreds or thousand of comments you can't possibly do them all. I wonder if that will ever happen on hive.

Maybe it will happen here. However, what I would rather happen is that the idea of "influencers" disappear as it is today, because all they are is a click mechanism for ad revenue. The reason they don't engage, is because they don't have to care about their audience at all.

Anger is not great for anything and I wonder if even in your examples, is anger better than technique to improve power, or does anger make it easier to run away, or are there better mindsets? It might be like smoking - people swear it relaxes them, even though the physiology tells a different story. The relaxation is in the short term satisfaction of the addiction withdrawals.

I have made habit to comment as much as possible. This has helped out forming connections and also the big part of learning is different view point. Which combined can make the life lot easier too. This takes a lot of effort though but I suppose we have a cost with consistency. Which kind of works in our favor.

Someone mentioned the other day that I likely "give" them a few hundred HIVE a year, just from them commenting on me. As long as they are trading thoughts, that is pretty cool, isn't it? :)

I think HIVE is the only place that I can freely discuss with others under the posts as I know I won't be banned, censored, deleted etc.

Yeah - and you can comment on people who mute you, even if they don't see it directly.

Anyone can be introverted and still write something that is very much reasonable. Wrting is all about expressing ourselves and showing people how we feel through the usage of words so saying that he or she can't write because the person is introverted is an excuse as you have said
Let's just say it is because the person does not have something to write about

I don't think the average person discusses much that interests themselves especially in the work environment. In some companies you may hit a luck and have a mixed bag, but generally I found people boring not very talkative. I am easy going and will chat with anyone on whatever topic and these days people just seem too serious and caught up in their own world.

Greetings Mr. Taraz I love to chat and make comments as much as possible.

To establish healthy links through Hive adds knowledge, wisdom, culture of other latitudes. Beyond the passion, coherence and fidelity of what I write every day, in Hive and especially in this community Reflections represents for me, traveling and supporting myself in human beings like you who have also made a wonderful path in their walk.

This community is very nourished. Infinite gratitude for allowing me to create my contents from my experiences, experiences and dreams.

This is an interesting topic. It reminds me of the saying: Birds of the same feather flock together. It is important to have meaningful conversations, not just for social interactions, but for mental health as well. It would be perfect if you can always have these types of conversations with your partner. The next best thing would be with your friends. That is why surrounding yourself with good people is really critical.

As for Hive, that is why I like the different communities it has. You can join a community that is similar to your hobbies or interests, and have meaning conversations there. I also like that with the way Hive works, interactions are encouraged. While I am still guarded with my answers/replies, it is still nice to have meaningful conversations with others.

Hey @tarazkp, you may want to have a look at the reflection community.

I think, @tarazkp, many of us are quite lonely in many ways... I mean, if you truly think about it, why do humans write about? If you ask me, I would say, because we can't avoid it. We need to appreciate constantly. Good, bad, whatever, the thing is, we need to describe our reality no matter if is pleasant or not...

I'm glad you brought this up because it's the comments that keep me coming back! The conversation about the article is the best part.

Whether it's a witty joke, a personal anecdote, or a reflection on the topic at hand, sharing is part of this Hive experience, so while my own content is lacking, I can definitely offer my PoV down here in the comments!