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RE: Halfway to the Stars

in Reflections5 months ago

Damn you started this with teaching Smallsteps basic averages and then end it with torturing people... laughs okay but I do see your point...

It's like when a person and a animal is trapped in a fire or a life threatening situation... which would you save?

I'd save the animal...but people would argue that I'm inhumane then but either or would leave you in a questionable state...

Now I ask you is there such a thing as good or bad...or is it all just doings?


Damn you started this with teaching Smallsteps basic averages and then end it with torturing people... laughs okay but I do see your point...

It seemed logical in my head... ;)

I am not sure if there is actually good and bad in terms of nature. But, there is probably right and wrong in terms of personal behavior. If we know what we are doing is not the right thing, it is wrong, right? :)

However, there are many conditionals with that, where circumstance matters. I don't like how people go back in history and backdate today's society to then. People think that if they lived 200 years ago, they would be similar to now - but that is nonsense.

No! You can't compare a society of 200 years ago! Laughs no!

People tend to be a little absurd nowadays as well! With everything going on in the world! Soon enough we wont have any men left nor any women..... we will only have things... oh I mean people 🤣🫠