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RE: Talking To A Rock

in Reflections6 months ago

You say you're not in the mood to be funny, but even before you said it, you already were. And after a few lines, yet again, you were, effortlessly.

You're totally right, family's really something, some worse than others. Then again, it's really worse for everyone viewing from the inside out and only when we stop for a moment to compare, do we realise, "at least I don't have it that bad." It's important though, for the purposes of gratitude, pushing through and not wallowing in the negatives.

If I referenced your funny remarks to reply with laughs, or other, this might be another comment, turned post. :)

It's always a delight to read you.

Cheers sire!


Well that didn't hurt to read.

Thank you.

Sorry about your friend. Those have happened to me too. People I thought would be there forever, have known more than 4 decades, et cetera, gone. And it's always over a misunderstanding.

Words. Guess I never realized how dangerous they can be.

It's good to know I'm not less of a person or anything like that. So it happens.

Indeed, words are. I'm learning to be more careful with choosing them, whilst still having my dignity in tact.
