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RE: Halfway to the Stars

in Reflections5 months ago (edited)

It has "suddenly" got a fair bit colder around these parts though, and is currently sitting at -16 (3F), with tomorrow dropping down further to -24 (-11F), which is pretty cold, but still 10 degrees "warmer" than the lowest temperatures I have experienced in this region.

The lowest temperature I have ever experienced was -22°C, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in 1980.

I was going to say that, because Halifax is near the Atlantic Ocean, -22 there feels much colder than -24 where you live. But I realized that there is a big lake and the humidity today was 86%, so -24°C must feel pretty cold.

And, of course, Vancouver is much warmer. The lowest temperature recorded in Vancouver is -17.8°C.



It wasn't too bad today, as it wasn't that windy - but on those days where it is cold and windy, it is a nightmare. We are dogsitting a little dachshund for the night, and he can't go out for more than about 10 minutes at a time, as he has no booties :D

Once it gets past about -15 to -20, it all feels the same. I suspect the difference is how fast you freeze to death.

Happy New Year!