Home education

in Reflectionslast month

Greetings to all the members and readers of the Reflections Community, how many of us have not thought at some point in our lives, why so many atrocious things happen every day and why so many people commit acts that violate the principles of our society... I sometimes think that these people did not have a good education at home.


Simply because the education received at home is undoubtedly the most important of all, and it is in the family where fundamental values are learned, self-esteem is fostered, respect is taught and beliefs and traditions are transmitted from generation to generation.

The home is the first place where someone learns as a child and is formed as a person. It is in this space where the foundations of their emotional, social and intellectual development are established. Parents are the first teachers of their children and their example and teachings are fundamental for their growth and well being, with this what I am trying to say is that in a certain way, they will always have a part in who we end up being.


The education provided at home goes beyond academics; it is a comprehensive education that includes aspects such as tolerance, empathy, honesty and responsibility. It is in the family where we acquire the social skills necessary to relate to others and face the challenges that life presents to us.

Furthermore, education in the home is a continuous process that develops throughout life. Parents continue to be important figures in the formation of their children even when they are adults. The support, love and understanding provided at home are fundamental to overcoming difficulties and achieving success in all areas of life.

In conclusion, the best education will always be that which is imparted at home, because that is where the foundations of our personality come from and that is where we obtain and learn the most important values, those that lead us to an integral development as individuals... I am very grateful to my parents for educating and forming me, they will always be my best teachers, without their teachings I would not be who I am today.

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