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RE: Digging Myself Out of The Isolation Hole

I don't share a lot of posts onto my blog for whatever reason but I shared this one.

I recently discovered a concept you reminded me of. When you someone gets too stressed for too long, they can burn out. It never occurred to me that when there is not enough stress, someone can rust out but it totally makes sense.

There is stress involved in personal relationships of all sorts. There is stress related to anything difficult worth doing. Too much of it can lead to burn out and too little of it can lead you into a nice, reduced-stress place....then it either returns to a comfortable, fulfilling and perfectly challenging happy medium, or can evolve into a hole of unfulfillment. Been there.

In my case, I found my soul screaming at me, creating stress out of thin air and things becoming problems which were not problems before. What a nasty cycle.

Our challenges define us or kill us to a certain extent I suppose. We have a say in the matter and you can be comfortable knowing you are doing something others cannot or will not do.

That fear is part imagination and part of your gut telling you that you are prepared for this. You will be the strongest fucker you know and you may as well be proud of that now.


Thank you for sharing my post on your blog. That was very kind of you.

Yes, ever since making that post, it was like a weight was lifted. I am feeling a little more free. Opening up a little bit more. Now I just need to physically get out.

Step by step though, it will come.