in Art Talk10 months ago


I just followed what the woman was teaching here in tiktok


I mentioned in my previous blog that I'm going to unbox the items that I found in japan surplus.

The story is that I didn't put any effort into finding these items, simply because people who were rummaging through Japan's surplus didn't have any use for such items, they just placed them on the table, Luckily, I checked the empty ceramic area once more to see if there's some left for me to buy, but I found these babies instead,

It was a peso sale so I only bought these sweet babies at such price mehuehuehueh 😚 happy me ~

Quality calligraphy papers were inside the bag, if you buy them online they'd be priced for 2-3 dollars, and to think I got em' for free ~

Paperweight and Ink sticks are also inside, I have been to Japan Surplus a lot of times before and I just ignored all ink sticks that I found in the sides, including bamboo brushes, but that was when I didn't like calligraphy back then, now that I have come to appreciate it, I regret not buying them all! but next time it'll be my priority.

I started appreciating calligraphy when I saw how inksticks are made ( click here ) It takes so much time and effort for it to be made yet I just see it in japan surplus in an unappreciated area, that's when I thought that I'm going to collect all of them since others don't see it's true value.


and here's the most common unappreciated item of all, ink stones, They are dumped anywhere but every time I found one I'd buy it, as long as it's priced lower 😆 I know, I'm stingy ahahaha, to be honest, I'm fed up with collecting them but I still feel like I have some use of it someday, like making it as a weapon because they are heavy hahaha jk! but you know I'm hoping to get an Inkstone that's shaped in spiral with designs because they are very valuable and expensive ~


I've also watched Barakamon an anime about calligraphy, suggested by @jijisaurart, I love it so much that I watched it in one sitting, Naru (the kid who slapped the guy) is my favorite because she's so cute, but the character I relate to the most was handa-sensei (the guy that got slapped) lost his confidence after a director commented how common his calligraphy style are and they needed to mature, which led him to questions all his masterpiece and I thought of myself who also do the same when producing an artwork, anyways! After watching the movie and having inspiration by it,

I also started to make use of my calligraphy collections, and I also wore my hakama to add feeling to it ~ 😌 Seriously though I just love copying what I see in anime ~ hahaha!


Other than shodō ( jap. traditional calligraphy) I also encountered the kana calligraphy style, a cursive way of writing Japanese characters, and the one above is what I practiced, copying this one It's not correct but I plan on learning more of it


I'm going to frame my first calligraphy art that I find beautiful and satisfying to look at, once I find myself a name stamp ~

Doing Japanese calligraphy is so fun that I ended up using half of the calligraphy papers I have, I don't know why but I started to get addicted to it.



Eyyy~ Barakamon in real life! 😍 This is what I love about Surpluses/thrift shop! You can find gems at super low prices.

I'm going to frame my first calligraphy art that I find beautiful and satisfying to look at, once I find myself a name stamp

Ohh nice nice!



Yasss 😌 surplus is heaven for me ~ 🥹

Wow, that's a fun adventure you've had so far! Calligraphy (all kinds) is beautiful art : )


Thank you!!!

Ive checked nathans blog just now and he is so good at japanese calligraphy 😍 sugoii

Aww 🥰. He has been so dedicated to improving and learning 🥹. Calligraphy uniting people across the world!

P.S. I love your new avatar, Jude - classy vibes! 😎

😆 i don't know what avatar you are seeing but i changed it back to the original one 🥹 i guess it hasn't generated yet 🥲

Haha! That's funny. I see the original one now, the other one was very similar, only anime style. They both look good 🤠. Have a great evening!

hahaha hive's deceiving you ~ but thank you !! i liked that avatar too, im contemplating whether i'd fully change my profile into that

have a good day eman ~

But still thank you!!!! 💖💖💖

Hello @emanate-artworx! Thank you for writing me.
Calligraphy is kind of difficult but my sensei is fun so I enjoy it.

That you enjoy it is the important part! Your calligraphy skills have improved since you first started sharing. You must have a great sensei. 🙂

Thank you! Yes my sensei is nice and kind to me.

I also got inspired after watching that anime! JP Calligraphy is so much fun! And there's a lot of meaning to it! I love it so much!

If only there's japanese calligraphy classes in my area 🥹 i would have enrolled but ill stick to youtube 🥲


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@khairro(3/5) tipped @jude.villarta
jijisaurart tipped jude.villarta

What I really love about you is your eagerness to explore things. Not just that but also you come to love what you tend to explore. Looking at what you are doing, I can see the presence of enjoyment. Your calligraphy strokes are nicely done considering that it is your first time (expert yarn? 😂).

I tried doing calligraphy before way back when I was in high school however, I am not into it. I mean, I can clearly see that I suck at that hehe. But I came to love doing pen calligraphy, you know the usual lettering calligraphy? Not using the brushes but with a pen witwit :>

Eat some !PIZZA

Khairoooo yasss i know pen calligraphy opposite naman tayo, kasi pen calligraphy is mahirap for me, i admired an architect for doing scrapbook journal and customize book binding and she does her own calligraphy lettering like sobrang ganda, i wanted to do it which i have calligraphy pens in hand but to no avail i find my penmanship ugly and can't achieve such beauty the same as her

Khairoo i wanna see your penmanship 😍

Makamiss ang surplusan/ukay2 diha sa Mindanao kay daghan kaayo ug useful.

Ahahah gimingaw nako kauban mo mag ukay diri jai 🥹