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RE: You know what’s weird? Being normal!

in Beauty & Brains3 years ago

I won't even lie, I cried. lol! I'm a big baby and I was so touched by your words, and your kindness. It made me soooooo happy and I truly mean it. Thank you so very much. You're spreading wisdom, love, creativity,'s a beautiful thing. It's amazing. Thank you for the mentions for me and @ryzeonline. For the Hive and for being such a positive force.

Jay and I appreciate that in people. We love anyone ryzing up and helping others ryze up too.

Thank you again. You made my day. Truly. And thank you for the sub to our YouTube. We appreciate it deeply.

much love,

Everyone calls me Cyn (my real name is Cynthia) so Cynshine (cuz I'm positive and love to bring joy) is pronounced like Sin-Shine. But I giggled at you not being sure if it was Sunshine or not. Thank you for caring and being so kind. ❤️