PHOTO of the DAY - Path to the light

in Picture A Day2 years ago

Probably every time we find ourselves in a difficult situation, we try to break through the darkness and get out into the light.

Today, all of Ukraine has found itself in such a situation, people are looking for light, but it is difficult to do this when bombs and rockets are exploding around you.

I was looking for light this morning, but the horizon is hidden from me by black clouds of smoke, this night a rocket hit an oil depot in our city.

They try in every possible way to protect us from the light, but we still strive for it.

This nighttime photograph I took on February 4th, twenty days before the start of the war, through a frosted bus window, illustrates Ukraine's path to the light.


Photos taken with a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX300 camera

Author @barski


I wish you all much peace, much sun 🌞

This is a very relevant wish, thank you!


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