"This Year's First Wood Stove Fire! 今年初の薪ストーブ”

in Picture A Day3 years ago (edited)


"This Year's First Wood Stove Fire!”

My husband made the first fire for the wood stove for this year the day before yesterday. It was a pretty cold night. There is a gap between the outside and inside temperature these days. The wood stove made our house temperature stable. We installed this wood stove last year because when we had a hurricane. We lost power for a few days. We worried about the winter situation. That hurricane was in late summer so, we could stand the situation. However, if it was in winter...I don't even want to imagine it. After installing the stove, we were relieved a lot.

Adding onto the wood stove, we use a heat pump and baseboard heaters with digital thermostats. Before installed the wood stove, our electric fee was pretty expensive. After starting to use the combination of the wood stove, heat pump, and baseboard heaters, our winter fee became cheaper. To be honest, I want to install solar panels someday in the future but it is a big dream for us. If I can use crypto-currency, that would be nice. Anyway, I hope we will have a reasonable opportunity with other energy options. By the way, I want to practice making a nice fire by myself this winter.

My dog took the best spot in front of the stove. He doesn't like water but he loves it near the fire. He is from Waterville though.


一昨日、主人が今年初の薪ストーブをたいてくれました。結構寒い夜でした。最近室内と外の気温差がだんだん出てきました。ストーブの火は家の中の温度を一定に保ってくれます。ハリケーンがあった去年 、このストーブを設置しました。数日間電気が止まりました。冬のことが心配になりました。その時のハリケーンは夏の終わり頃だったのでまだましでしたが、もしも冬だったら…想像するのも怖いです。ストーブを設置してからはとても安心しました。



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