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RE: Picture a day - serie Bahamas - // Imagen al día- serie Bahamas -

in Picture A Day • 3 years ago

I would honestly love to come back to be able to enjoy those paradisiacal landscapes

I am seriously very glad you enjoyed your trip to the max. I have only been in a sailboat for few hours but never for a month 😂. I would love to check out Bahamas at some point of my life. I have not travelled in several years. Every time I think about travelling, I remind myself that there is so much of Canada which I haven't explored. Perhaps I will start with here first.

In brief I will post photos of No Name Island, where the pigs live!!

I cannot wait to check them out! Hhahaha I have been looking at travelling posts of few people at hive and I am living vicariously through them 🤣. Btw, I don't know if you know about Love the Clouds community, they hold contests for cloud pictures. Your image looks very good for those type of contests!

I hope you are having a pleasant Sunday 🤗. Glad to meet you here on hive


Wow, thank you very much!! I too long to be able to travel again. I'm slowly putting together my posts on how I started backpacking, and well the finishing touch is the history of the Bahamas, because it was thanks to my hitchhiking trip that I met my friend Jim and my friend Lalyta, with whom I shared those days so beautiful. And I did not know that contest, I will look for it to send my photos of crazy clouds!. Thank you very much for stopping by and it is a pleasure to meet you on this platform too!

And I did not know that contest, I will look for it to send my photos of crazy clouds!

No worries at all! There are lots of communities I was introduced to by other people. I am glad I am able to share them with others as well. I am looking forward to your trip photos!

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I thank you from the bottom of your heart for your suggestion!! and yes, of course, I will upload my travel photos!