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RE: The Daily Meme #136!

in Anti-socialists3 years ago

I don't know man. HIVE can be so many things, a tokenized incentivized blogging platform is probably the least savvy example of what it could be. Most curating is done via automation and a ton of posts are low effort and/or auto posts as well too.

It's been quite a few years now - all the things HIVE / STEEM were meant to be if only everyone would do X,Y,Z, has come and gone I feel.

It's up to creativity and imagination and maximisation of the HIVE graphene tech + possible other undiscovered features which will make it's price go up (outside of whales and pumps of course).


Hive launched as a tokenized blogging platform because that is what the mvp of launching a screaming fast blockchain called for in 2016.

We were supposed to be a landing zone for devs, but when the lead dev got ran off by a, imo, greedy f**k, that then got mad when we got mad that he came to a business meeting with a guitar and an exposed belly button, subsequently selling us down the river to the chicoms for a fraction of our true value, that all came to a screeching halt.

The chain itself was not ready for primetime.
It cost way too much to run.
BT has saved us from all that, and made us ready for far more users.
Up until this fork, the stinciness was running most sensible users from the platform.
It hasn't been before now that we had a chance at success when the masses do find us.

If we pull a full percentage from either btc or eth with our no fee defi, all this blogging bs will not be worth the effort for many of us long term users.
While also giving newbs the best return on their time they can find.

We are just now ready to stand this rocket up and call to all for boarding.

with our no fee defi,

now you're talking! That in itself is extremely revolutionary.

I'm coming back on board regardless. Getting antsy and this place has always allowed me to express myself, given opportunity, inspired possibilities and remains pretty much a bulletproof sanctum of self-expression