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RE: The Daily Meme #136!

in Anti-socialists3 years ago

Capital doesn't create wealth, labor does.

This book, and this short story, illustrate some viable alternatives to what we have.
If I had to condense them, they could best be described by keep working, stop paying.

This book shows why using money to redistribute from the working to the not working is a bad idea.
Families, and the church, were the welfare agencies before the police state came about.
They have their drawbacks, too.

Put me down as thinking that we have enough adults to carry the bums without all the hierarchy attached, better to just let them have food and shelter on the group.
They can then decide if that is enough for them to tolerate the derision of their peers.

Did you know that Poppy Bush started the USO?
My point being that even bad people do some good things.

Until you had seen the power of a black budget,

Black budgets, pshaw, try the power of black majick.
The people reading that book are pulling the strings in this orchestra.


The idea of being financial free or not seems to be the most effective way to control people.

People are penalized with fines, loss of currency (retained spending power), for civil issues all over the world.

From left to right and up and down the political spectrum, when one's reflection resembles financial independence it leads to increased sense of individualism and independent lifestyles not dependant on the state.

I assume you have heard of the Zeitgeist, what do you you of that movements interpretation of a resource based economy?

Even I who is a picky eater, could probably trade my way through a resourced based economy making good trade terms with the locals farms.

People being scared to contract their own service agreements Isa another huge component, they need currency for the insurance model where no one is responsible except for the fall guy decided by in the terms and conditions known as liability.

I looked into Jacques some years ago.
He referenced either this guy, or this guy, I forget which, but Bookchin is a follower of Kropotkin, so he says pretty much the same.
I've only read enough Bookchin to know that.
He himself acknowledged his work as derivative of Kropotkin.
If I remember right.