Appreciating the Beauty of Nature in Ireland

in Amazing Nature2 years ago

Appreciate Beauty of Nature

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This is a post inspired by @phortun and his weekly contest where he invites people to appreciate the beauty of nature and share photos of it here on Hive. The ask is to use a photo no more than a week old and to say a little bit about the photo and when and where it was captured. Here is the original post if you want to have a look.

I really like this idea for a contest and look forward to seeing stunning shots of nature from far flung corners of the world, some places I have been, some I may visit some day and some I will never see. For the latter, these shots on Hive taken from a fellow hiver in the last week takes me there in a virtual type of way, which is really cool.

My Entry for this week

I am pretty lucky in so far as I am often surrounded by nature here in Galway. I live just outside Galway city in the countryside in a place called Connemara which is a haven of flora and fauna throughout the year, but particularly in Spring and Summer when the surrounding hinterland is peppered with all manner of greenery and life.

Here are a few photos I captured while saving some turf out on the bog. We have the beginnings of a double rainbow in the background and a pot of gold lurking somewhere in that far away forest.

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There is something about rainbows that I love, the mix of colours together, all of the constituent colours of white broken up by scattering of the light wave and the fact that a rainbow is only apparent under certain conditions. Did you know that the sun has to be at 42 degrees or less to horizon for a rainbow to be seen. Ever seen a rainbow at midday? Didn't think so..

I also love light in general, I like the symbolism around light and the history. Here in Ireland there are special passage tombs which were built and designed for light to pass through them at certain times of the year, usually the longest or shortest day of the year, like Newgrange for example.

Then there is the fact that the world wide web that you are using to read this post is made possible by a world wide web land based and under water sub sea cables which carry all of your data and the data of everyone else in your country to every other country and continent in the world via light waves. All of your data is turned into light along with everyone elses data and then there is an optical technique known as Dense Wavelength Divison Multiplexing (DWDM) which can basically break a light wave up into 88 constituent wavelengths each of which can carry a huge amount of data, 1.6TeraBits to be exact per channel, so that's 140.8 TerraBits of capacity, yep that's a lot of capacity! Ok, I am going to stop nerding ye out now, and might do a separate post all about Optical Engineering which may be of interest to some here on Hive, but maybe not everyone who is here for photos of nature!

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Have you got some sweet photos of nature from the past week? Why not share them and potentially get a full power upvote from @phortun. Even if you don't grab your camera or camera phone and go for a walk, as matter where you are on this floating planet, nature is right beside you, whether you are an urban or rural dweller.

These photos are all my own captured on my Samsung Smartphone

Thanks as always for stopping by everyone.

Peace Out



That was a nice rainbow that you catch in the photo! Did you search for that pot of gold later, or did it disappears with the rainbow?

Did you know that the sun has to be at 42 degrees or less to horizon for a rainbow to be seen.

That's something new that I didn't know! I was never thinking about that before...

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project and it will be highlighted in the next post!

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Thanks so much for the curation, I found 8 Bitcoins at the end of the rainbow!! 🌈 🪙

Glad to have shared some new knowledge with you about the 42 degrees thing

Wow, thanks for the shoutout man! What a nice surprise :) Oh and very cool shots btw ;)

@tipu curate

Thanks man, glad to share this cool contest 👌

Your content has been voted as a part of Encouragement program. Keep up the good work!

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Excellent, thank you 👍

Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks a million @ewkaw and @qurator, really happy you picked out my post.

I definitely would have gone in search of the pot of gold if I had the opportunity to see that rainbow as close as it was to you.🤭. Beautiful images by the way. I'm so having fun viewing all of this today. It's making my day awesome

I genuinely found the gold, in the form of fresh air, time with family and hard work💪

That's beautiful 🥰. I honestly love that.


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