Helping an Exhausted Bee in the Yard

in Amazing Nature10 months ago (edited)

Last night before it got dark outside, I spotted an exhausted Bumble Bee on this bush on top of a bright pink flower.

I don't know the name of this flower bush but the green bud will turn pink when it blooms.

I put the bumble bee on this green bud after she fell. I believe this is a small worker bee that is female. All worker bumble bees are female.

I felt so bad for this poor Bumble Bee. She could hardly move and seemed to be on her way out of this world.

I have read that you can help an exhausted be with sugar water with a mixture of half white granulated sugar and half water. Use filtered water if possible. I filtered my water with a Brita Water Filter. Every morning I fill up 3 stainless steal bottles with filtered water for myself and take the bottles into my room I rent from my sister and nephew.

Please only give sugar water to bees if they are in dire need of food: if they seem to be dying or can hardly stay on a flower. If the bee is strong enough please encourage them to get on a flower for natural nectar and pollen. Please only use white granulated sugar!

This small Bumble Bee was difficult to try and feed the nectar/ sugar water to. I used a spoon but the bee didn't like the way the spoon felt and wouldn't get on it to drink the sugar water mixture I made for her. I felt sorry for the bee that was afraid of me and the spoon.

The weak little bumble bee fell to the bottom of the plant. I tried to scoop her up with the spoon but the bee insisted on climbing the stalk of the flower instead and I nudged her up the stalk with the spoon.

I dripped some sugar water on top of this green bud for the weak bumble bee to eat.

You can see part of a pink blooming flower on the left of the picture below.

I went outside this morning to check on the bee and she was more lively and even fluttered her wings without flying.

I went inside to put some nectar into a white plastic jar cap that was clean.
I brought the white plastic cap with sugar water outside and tried to give it to the bee to drink.

She flew a little ways and landed in the grass and hid from me. I decided to leave her alone and hoped she might come out in a while and fly away.

I felt really bad that I had not successfully helped the little bumble bee recover from exhaustion.

I learned that I should not have been so pushy to the tiny creature. Next time I will use a paper towel that a frightened weak little bumble bee might feel more comfortable walking and climbing on. It might feel more like a soft white flower to the bee.

Later on, in the early afternoon I went out on the porch and saw a lot of Bumble Bees feeding and gathering pollen on the yellow dandelions! I was so happy to see them and there were some big bumble bees and smaller bumble bees like the one I tried to help on the yellow flowers.

The little bee I helped is a worker bumble bee which are smaller than the other bumble bees.

The poor little bumble bee was too weak to want to sting me this morning. This picture was from this morning. It seemed that the bee came back to the purple flower for more help. I wasn't sure if this was the same bee because the bee from yesterday had a yellow stripe on her back.

The bumble bee from today had no yellow strip on her back. This tiny bumble bee is a western bumble bee that is in rapid decline in the state of Washington.

I made a cute little box for the tiny bumble bee from this morning and held her in my hand for a long time to warm her up. She seemed almost dead. It poured rain on the little bumble bee for I don't know how long. I turned on my bright sun box light for the bee too to bring her back to life.

Suddenly she was buzzing her wings and beginning to lift up, so I closed the top of the box and brought her outside and let her go. She flew high into the sky next door!

I truly hope she will be alright and live a full life of a worker bumble bee!

Many fertilizers contain toxic ingredients that kill bees, butterflies, and birds yearly. We must protect our pollinators. They help people grow food.

Please use bee friendly Fertilizers! Many fertilizers contain toxic ingredients that have been killing bees, butterflies and birds for 20 years or more. We must do everything we can to protect our pollinators. Thank you!

GMO Problem killing bees, butterflies, and birds.

Knowing what not to use and what not to buy will make a huge difference for pollinators.
Thank you.


You are a bee angel @adcreatordesign! Thank you for helping them. The pink flower is the flower of a thistle plant.

Take care sis! Hugs to you!🤗😘💖❣️💕💜🌻🐝🐝🐝🐝 !LADY !LUV !LOLZ

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Why did two Ralph Lauren employees get into a fight?
They were Polo opposites.

Credit: reddit
@adcreatordesign, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of elizabethbit


OMG, that is a true terminology perfectly depicting Barb as she truly seems to me a BEE ANGEL as well haha thank you so much for this lovely and accurate gesture.


Hey I am glad you did not take my comment as a stalking or spam attempt I really meant what I said.

You're welcome! It didn't even cross my mind!

Thank you for showing your honesty. A lot of people just never express their true intentions and am lucky to have found you.

🤗 You are welcome! Take care!

Hello, Elizabeth. Thank you for telling me I am a bee angel. I'm not blacklisted like I thought. This is a post I copied and pasted of mine. Hive watch said I'm not blacklisted. They don't like recycled content. Thank you @elizabethbit You take care too and Hugs to you Sis!
!BBH !CTP 🌟🙏🤗😘💖💗💕💜🌼🌼🐝🐝🐝🙏🌟r

🤗💜💕🍁🍂😽🤗 That is a good thing that you're still able to post! Take care sis; much love to you! !LADY

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@elizabethbit, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @adcreatordesign and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (3/23 calls)

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Yes I'm glad I was so upset yesterday. You take care too Sis! Much love to you too.
!BBH !CTP 🌟🤗💜💕🍁🍂😽🤗🌟

🤗💜🍁🤗💜🍁🤗💜🍁 !LADY !LUV💖

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@elizabethbit, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @adcreatordesign and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (5/23 calls)

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🤗💜😘🤗💜🤗💜😘🤗💜 !BBH !CTP

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Hello, this is my post and I wanted it to show up in more places. Why are you saying copying my own post is wrong? Is it wrong for me to copy my own post? It is very long and it did not show up everywhere. Thank you.

If you believe this comment is in error, please contact us in #appeals in Discord. OK I won't copy and paste my own post again. But it was so long and I wanted it to show up in other places. I didn't even think it was wrong to do.

Would it helped if I shortened this one with a link to the first post? I wasn't trying to cheat. I wasn't even thinking of the rewards pool. I just wanted to get my post out to other communities.

You truly are a caring person cause just two days ago a yellow bee, not the honey one the dangerous one went on to the back of my ear and I had to smack it up because of a reaction of fear. I cannot believe that you went through all the pain and effort to help the honey bee as they truly are our caretakers as they provide us with that yummy honey love it or hate it honey is very important for all of us as I heard it has healing powers.

Thank you @liquidocelotytt You didn't mean it. Honey bees can be more aggressive than bumble bees. Moving slowly will help. This bumble bee I held was almost dead and didn't have the energy to sting. That is why I was not afraid. I wouldn't feel good around a nest of hornets and any kind of bee nest. Because the bees have been dying for over 20 years is so sad to see them dead on the ground. Watching the bees makes me happy to see them eating nectar and collecting pollen. Take care now. Just try to move slowly and don't wear perfume or cologne they might think you are a flower. 🤣🤣 !BBH !CTP I was stung more that once and chased by hornets in the mountains backpacking in early 1990s LOL Ouch!

Wow never knew that the yellow entire yellow one without black stripes is called bumble bee haha omg thank you so much. That was a bumble bee then that touched me on my ear from the back side while I was driving i smacked it away in fear and shouted out loud luckily for me it never sting me. I am sick of the area we live in people say their are lots of snakes and I see some wierd creatures like stupid black lizards small and frogs every where OMG I hate the place where I live.

I'm sorry @liquidocelotytt The little creatures can't help it. Please don't be afraid of them. They cannot help what they are. I learned to accept them. Please try to accept them and respect them. They were here before us. We need to co-exist with the other creatures. The lizards are probably cute don't you think. I feel sorry for snakes that they don't have legs. They do the best they can. Of course do not touch them if they are poisonous. Poor little creatures. You are so much bigger than them. Don't be afraid. Try to read about them, look them up on google and learn about them. Take it easy you sound very upset sorry you don't feel well. I had to get more medication a few months ago because I was so stressed out. It really helps me too. Take care now my friend. Learn about the creatures and the birds. I love all birds and creatures. !BBH !CTP

Thank you for your sound advice regarding the bumble bees I think I will work on my fear issues with them some how I must try as I am your studen Barb.

I know it's not easy. It will be challenging and help you learn to think a different way about bees. 😊👍 !BBH !CTP

The honey bees even if a swarm is near me I would not mind as these are beneficial creatures but the real threat for me were the bumble bees which you told me to appreciate just as much as the honey bees i must adhere to behavioral standards even with the creatures that are not human perhaps this much i learned from you Barb!