Flowers (part 1)

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

Hermosa comunidad Hive 😄😄❣️
A continuación les voy a presentar unas fotos que he tomado en unas de las tantas salidas que he hecho a la naturaleza.

Me he quedado sumamente impactada al ver las maravillas de la creación del Todo Poderoso, como nos llena la vista con los hermosos colores que encontramos dentro de la naturaleza.

Las imágenes tomadas son de las hermosas flores y de las gran variedad que he encontrado en mis caminadas.

Es hermoso poder disfrutar de la vista.
Espero les guste y puedan compartir las que ustedes tienen conmigo.

Beautiful Hive community 😄😄❣️
Next I am going to present some photos that I have taken in one of the many outings that I have done to nature.

I have been extremely shocked to see the wonders of the creation of the Almighty, how it fills our eyes with the beautiful colors that we find within nature.

The images taken are of the beautiful flowers and the great variety that I have found in my walks.
It is beautiful to be able to enjoy the view.











I hope you like it and can share the ones you have with me.


thank you very much for looking at my post

Great post :D
Keep it up & wish you a great weekend :)