About the sunset and its philosophy.

Hello my loyal and beloved friends, lovers of natural beauty. How are you? I wish you all the best and continued success. It's a pleasure to meet you again in this post and share about the beauty of nature around. On this occasion I would like to share about the sunset that hopefully you guys will be happy with this and can take a lot of inspiration, motivation and lessons from all of this and I will try to express a little bit what I feel about the lessons I took.


This is the scene I took when the sun was about to set. I deliberately walked to the seaside to enjoy it while savoring this atmosphere while enjoying the wind that blows as if saying a longing greeting. I tried to capture the beauty of the surrounding nature with my cell phone camera.

The lesson I took from the sunset at that time was "The twilight that comes at the end of the day before the arrival of night teaches us the meaning of sincerity and letting go, when twilight comes it means that the day will leave and the night will arrive. When that time comes we must sincerely let go of the bright day as well as life, we must be ready to let go and be sincere about all the processes that change. Starting from personal romance, work, family and so on. Everything will change according to the provisions of the Creator ".

The next lesson is "Like twilight even though it is momentary but it takes time to switch from light to dark, so is life, it takes a process to get to something we want, not instant. Enjoy the process and you will enjoy the results."


Still with a beautiful twilight atmosphere. He motivated us to accept each other, "Like the sunset that always accepts the sky as it is, it never rejects the sky even though it will eventually become gray and it knows how to excuse itself without hurting anyone and leaving a beautiful impression and longing". We should be like the sunset that accepts gracefully and leaves a beautiful impression when we leave.

"The twilight that is present only for a moment, gives a signal that life is very short". And finally I hope that my post this time is like twilight "Present only for a moment but leaving a sense of tranquility".

Alright my friend. Here's a nature scene about dusk or sunset that leaves you with so many lessons, inspiration and motivation. I hope you feel the same way. Thank you for being my constant companion. Thank you also for all that you have given me. Let us be like the sunset that spreads a lot of inspiration and motivation. Finally, I'm sorry to say goodbye, we'll see you in my future posts.