Wedelia Along The Way

in Amazing Nature3 years ago (edited)
Hi Hivers, this sunny Sunday around eight o'clock in the morning my sister and I took a walk in front of the house. We didn't do much, just breathe in the fresh morning air, bask under the warm morning sun, and even take a little cycling to warm up this Sunday before doing other activities. Along the road where we were walking, we could see wedelia flowers with their lush leaves covering the side of the road. And it's been a long time since this wedelia has grown and lived in this area. This time I will share the beauty of wedelia that thrives on this side of the road.


Small yellow wedelia flowers that bloom makes the morning atmosphere look so bright. The yellows and greens of the leaves and flowers were pleasing to the eye as we walked around. Wedelia spreads prolifically by the side of the road covering the ground along the road.





Not only today, but this wedelia flower also blooms alternately every day. Its creeping stems allow it to easily grow in the ground with flowers growing on each of these creeping stems when exposed to sufficient sunlight.



Wedelia's simplicity makes nature greener, more colorful, and makes the air around us cooler. Although wedelia can not grow tall, wedelia can grow to fill the barren streets and make it like a carpet spread out on the street.




Thank you for reading my post. Have a nice day.


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