Stunning sunsets in the wet season.

I think one of the things we are going to miss most about this part of the country is the beautiful sunsets. Every night as the sun goes down the sky becomes a kaleidoscope of colours that changes almost every night. Some days the sky is clear and the red and orange of the sun really shows through, other days the sky is overcast and the clouds take on beautiful purple and pink colours.

View of the sunset from our house

Beautiful pinks and purples dance off the clouds

The beach is the best place to watch the sun set and during the dry season every night the beaches are packed with cars and people set up to watch the sun go down and have dinner.
Cable Beach is the most popular but it looks just as good from other spots along the coast and doesn't lose any of it's splendour even inland. In fact some of the nicest colours in the sky I have seen while we were at the park or home and not down the coast.


We definetly plan on returning at some point, unsure of whether it would be in the dry or the wet as both have advantages. The sunsets in the wet season are supposed to be better and you also get huge lightning storms that can be seen over the ocean.


One day I'll get a proper camera and get some really good pics but until then my crappy smartphone will have to do.


It is something mysterious in sunsets.

In the last photo it is real dance of clouds.

They are stunning even with a crappy smartphone