The European mole Talpa europaea Krtek Obecný

in Amazing Nature2 years ago

V zimě ze zoufalství fotím i krtiny. No aspoň to "prodám" na iNaturalistu jako "Důkaz o výskytu krtka" 😀 Důkaz to je, protože kdo jiný než krtek by si dal tolik práce s výstavbou hromádek hlíny 🤣

In winter, out of desperation, I also take pictures of molehills. Well at least I'll "sell" it to iNaturalist as "Proof of the mole" The proof it is because who but the mole would put so much work into building clay piles.
26.12.2019 Prague, Czech republic


Absolutely these moles are pretty cool in the way that they break up the soil.

My puppy dog would absolutely love to go digging this entire den up.