Amazing Nature Contest - Septermber 2020 - #01: Birth (Zrození)

in Amazing Nature4 years ago

(Google translate from Czech)
It's been a long time since I've participated in the wonderful #AmazingNature competition organized by @adalger in the Amazing Nature Community.

Nature is my eternal inspiration and a place to gain strength and energy. And where does one get the most positive energy? After all, right at the spring :-).

I hereby invite you for a short walk to northern Moravia to the Jeseníky Mountains. I will take you to the place where the source of a small mountain stream was born.

In the forest, about an hour's walk from my parents' house, under an old upheaval, we find an inconspicuous place. Only local people know that this is where the miracle of birth takes place. Between grass, moss and rocks, small streams of water make their way from the underground to the light.

After a few meters, they begin to form small pools to join and gain strength for further wandering.

They subtly flow through low vegetation to overcome the first major obstacle a little later in the form of rocks and fallen branches.

I followed the stream to the point where an already stout and predatory stream of water jumped over the stone thresholds. The energy of flowing water mixed with the energy of the forest from which the water was born. Such places can make a person very excited :-)

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Česká komunita na Hive

Je to už dávno, co jsem se zúčastnil nádherné soutěže #AmazingNature, kterou pořádá @adalger v komunitě Amazing Nature Community.

Příroda je mou věčnou inspirací a místem k nabrání sil a energie. A kde získá člověk nejvíce pozitivní energie? Přece přímo u pramene :-).

Zvu vás tímto na malou procházku na severní Moravu do pohoří Jeseníky. Zavedu vás na místo, kde se zrodil pramen malého horského potoka.

V lese, asi hodinu pěšky od domu mých rodičů, pod starým vývratem, nalezneme nenápadné místo. Jen místní lidé ví, že je to místo, kde se koná zázrak zrození. Mezi trávou, mechem a kameny si z podzemí razí cestu ke světlu malé pramínky vody.

Po několika metrech začínají tvořit malé tůně, aby se spojily a nabraly sílu k dalšímu putování.

Nenápadně protékají nízkou vegetací, aby o něco později překonaly první větší překážku v podobě kamenů a spadaných větví.

Sledoval jsem tok až k místu, kde již statný a dravý proud vody přeskakoval kamenné prahy. Energie proudící vody se mísila s energií lesa z kterého se voda zrodila. Taková místa dokáží člověka hodně vzpružit :-)
(viz. fotografie v anglickém textu)


Hey @bucipuci, here is a little bit of BEER from @jjprac for you. Enjoy it!

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 4 years ago  

Beautiful ^^ Just such a small spring and it end up into a little waterfall, hehe .. Nature can be so exiting and full of little wonders ! I am so glad to see one of your entries to the contest again ;) .. You for sure know how to receive inspiration, strength and energy from the nature around you, hehe .. good eye for the little miracles out there ^^

 4 years ago  

Thanks :-). I'm addicted to energy from the forest. That's why I go for her almost every day :-)

Birth of new stream, interesting and exciting to find oozing up through the soil turning into a wonderful path of water further down @bucipuci thanks for sharing in amazing nature.


 4 years ago  

Many thanks for the compliment, TIP and !BEER.
It is exciting to watch the flow of the stream from its birth to the confluence with a river :-)

Hey @joanstewart, here is a little bit of BEER from @bucipuci for you. Enjoy it!

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🎁 Hi @bucipuci! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @joanstewart!

@joanstewart wrote lately about: Revel In Revealing Rapturous Nature Feel free to follow @joanstewart if you like it :)

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 4 years ago  

Thank you :-)

Hey @bucipuci, here is a little bit of BEER from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

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