Amazing Nature Contest / Ruellia Tuberosa

in Amazing Nature3 years ago
Greetings friends of this excellent community @amazingnature, this is my entry to the contest that allows us to show the natural beauty that does not surround our environment.

Today I had to make a visit to the school and I observed that the green spaces were full of many flowers and in this way I took advantage of taking some shots of this plant, which popularly in my country Venezuela calls it Exploding-plot flowers, it produces a This is the result of a capsule that, when introduced into the water, begins to explode, that is why it was baptized with that name.


As you can see, the flower is a light blue color, very beautiful, it occurs a lot here in my region, I imagine it must be because of the climate that is conducive for this plant to reproduce.

Ruellia tuberosa

The jaquita1 or yuquilla de Venezuela1 (Ruellia tuberosa) is a species of plant belonging to the Acanthaceae family. It presents photonastia so that its flowers open in the morning and close in the afternoon. It is well known for its fruits, which are seed capsules sensitive to moisture.


Investigating a little about this plant, I found that it has excellent medicinal properties for humans:

From the traditional point of view, this plant has many health benefits, one of them is the effectiveness of its root in the protection of kidney damage, urinary infections, kidney stones; It is also used in a traditional way as a diuretic, antipyretic, analgesic, antihypertensive, etc.
Among other qualities, it is worth highlighting its use as a diuretic, analgesic, febrifuge, emetic (to cause vomiting), for kidney diseases, high blood pressure, bronchitis, gonorrhea and syphilis. It also has antioxidant, cancer, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, antimicrobial, and stomach protective properties.


Catharanthus Roseus:

Other beautiful plants that I got were Good Afternoon, its various flowers of different colors such as white, purple, its scientific name Catharanthus roseus),

The species commonly known as good afternoon or vicaria, (Catharanthus roseus), belongs to the Apocynaceae family of plants and is a viable alternative to give color to the garden since it is a low maintenance plant, that is, it does not require pruning, no it has thorns, grows very fast and reproduces spontaneously generating new seedlings when the seeds fall to the ground and germinate near the mother plant.




Another of the flowers that I took with my phone are very beautiful, I don't really know the name of this plant, however here I show you some shots.



I hope you liked my publication, see you in the next post.



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HOLA!! Me gusta mucho tus fotos, casualmente tengo esas mismas flores en casa y no sabia su nombre, gracias por la informacion, te ganaste un nuevo suscriptor <3

Saludos amigo @johanjjbr gracias por pasar por mi blog-

De nada, estamos para apoyarnos

Que bonita flores donde mi abuela tenían muchas de esas blancas y de las moradas 😌me trajo muchos recuerdos

Saludos amigo @elvlogdedany que bueno, gracias por pasar por mi blog.

 3 years ago  

nice collection ^^ .. The Ruellia Tuberosalooks really cool ;)

Greetings thank you very much for commenting on my blog.