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RE: Moth Trap: 14th May 2022 - Plenty of Geometridae Tonight

in Amazing Nature • 2 years ago

I'm pretty sure we all giggle at at the name when we first hear it! 🤣🤣

Copied From Wikipedia

The name "cockchafer" derives from late 17th century usage of "cock" (in the sense of expressing size or vigour) + "chafer" which simply means an insect of this type, referring to its propensity for gnawing and damaging plants. The term "chafer" has its root in Old English ceafor or cefer, of Germanic origin and is related to the Dutch kever, all of which mean "gnawer" as it relates to the jaw. As such, the name "cockchafer" can be understood to mean "large plant-gnawing beetle" and is applicable to its history as a pest animal.


And even though I know this, I still snigger whenever I hear the name!

LOL I have no plans to stop giggling, Wikipedia.