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RE: A peak into my garden

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

That's a lovely garden you have there! Looks like you'll have a lot of cherries.

"Slug hunting" has been a major part of how we have kept ours very healthy. We keep a big 20L bucket in the garden with soapy water; just pick up the slugs and dump them in there... at just before sunset we could often find 40-50 of them... a year later we find maybe one a week.


Thanks @denmarkguy!

Looks like you'll have a lot of cherries.

If the birds don't get to them first :D
The slugs thing is so frustrating. I don't want to kill them, but I also don't want my entire garden to be eaten. I think I've made a real dent in their population in the backyard by now though, so less killing is required :-)