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RE: Playing with a shoal of salema porgy at 6 meters deep!

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

Well, all this topic involves many things and each one has his own thinking and point of view.
Unfortunately, we already kill massively for food into society, so my point of view is that it's not really needed to actually killing your own food because there are already people killing it and, on top of that, mostly of that animal meat is thrown to garbage, wich thing is a sacrilege; of course, if you live in the wild and you're self-sufficient, wich thing I see awesome, you'll have to farm your crop, grow animals and kill them, etc.; I just hope this is done with the much possible respect towards the animal and making him suffering the least.
On the other hand, I don't like killing wild animals, also for what I've explained above and because wild animals are truly heirs of this land; I don't like even killing insects: they're so awesome.
So, it's not a thing of being weak, just some convictions. Make sure that if I were living in the wild, I would do what is needed because that's the real deal in Nature: killing to survive.

I'd love to come over to hunt for food with you. It would be so much fun.
If it wasn't for the stupid vax, I'd come over and show you how it's done.
rhyme, lol.

I don't like going hunting, as you can imagine.
I know some hunting regulated activity is beneficial for species control so that's ok, but most of hunters are just monkeys enjoying shooting and killing animals not for eating but just for their skin or head trophies; other are just pure psychopaths that enjoy make them suffering (I've seen videos about that) and I would like to ambush these people and kill them with my own bare hands.

Don't get upset buddy 😄


Reality check: You are living in this world, not on the moon.
What wilderness? The ocean is wild and you are living 10 minutes away from it; wtf

Most hunters love nature, the creation and are actively doing their part to preserve it.
You are the one spending money at the fish market, supporting the industry.

Go teach a kid how to fish, you will make them respect nature for life.

You prefer killing man over killing animals? I can not believe you think that way. Sad.

Well I think my points were currently well explained enough to understand my points and I don't pretend to make you think like I do, so should you.
It's clear enough that in terms of sustainability and ecology, our actual human system on many fields, food sector included, is not sustainable nor even healthy and many more things. So maybe we'll change that someday but as far as one already caught fish is going to be thrown to garbage in the fish market, I prefer to buy from there before being thrown to garbage than killing a wild and free one, actually. But your point about not contributing to the actual food sector or industry is absolutely right, it's just it's hard to help all the things involved in all this machinery.

You prefer killing man over killing animals? I can not believe you think that way. Sad.

I don't like to kill anyone, but from that point of view of psychopaths making suffer animals on purpose or killing species near extinction just as trophies, I point out that humans are much more large in number and many of those humans, less valuable to the world and to their own society than some valuable wild animals, wich perfect fit into Nature designs, thing that doesn't happen with human species, overpopulating the world and killing the planet itself; so, answering your question, yeah, it would be nice to control human population and I won't miss the loss of some specimens of human species.
Human species must decrease, it's just a must for the planet.
That said, I won't kill anyone to help that but would be nice to start with those trophy hunters I referenced above 😄
Just my personal opinion.

yeah, it would be nice to control human population and I won't miss the loss of some specimens of human species.

May god have mercy on your soul

Hah, hah! I'm not a believer, nor like Church institution. May I rot in hell by that? 😂 😛
I think that Mother Nature thinks similar to me or do you think COVID19 is just a matter of bad luck?
Of course I could be wrong and you're in your right of not liking my points of view but I think natur is trying to alleviate pressure on human species' impact on Earth.