Discover Wildlife in the Oldest Grown Jungle With a Borneo Tour

in Amazing Nature3 months ago

Sarawak, Malaysia - Image Credits: YoyChen, at Pixabay

Spread across three countries, namely Malaysia, the Sultanate of Brunei and Indonesia, Borneo is one of the only natural resorts in the world where tourism has not been encouraged so far in order to preserve the splendid masterpieces of nature that this region has to offer.

The Borneo rainforests consist of one of the oldest grown jungles across the globe, which have not yet been disturbed by any external sources. A number of breathtaking and wondrous sites of these jungles have been formed into National Parks that are the primary reason for nature and wildlife lovers to visit this place.

Borneo is sure to leave any tourist mesmerized with its amazing display of bio-diversity. If you plan to tour Borneo, the best plan would be come here for around eighteen to nineteen days during which you can cover a lot of places including the Malaysia Borneo that includes Sabah and Sarawak areas, Kalimantan district in Indonesia and Brunei, which could take as little as a few hours to a whole week to complete.

Rainforest - Image Credits: barnabasvormwald, at Pixabay

The itinerary will also take you through the most spectacular parts of the Borneo rainforests, helping you avoid trekking all the way through the densely wooded area for days. The tours can also be made custom made for tourists coming from any part of the world. Through the Borneo safari, you can explore the sights and sounds of this heaven for the admirers of nature and wildlife as you travel along to see the amazing forests, mountainous regions and the beautiful rivers.

Options in transport such as an airplane or the local longboats are also available. The region is also home to one of the best diving sites of the world, with Sipadan being the first to be found in around 50 years back and reaching among the most popular places for scuba divers to come and have the time of their lives.

Not only Sipadan but other wonderful sites like Layang Layang in the southern part of the China Sea, the reefs by the Miri coast and the Sangalaki and Derawan areas close to the north eastern coastal area of Kalimantan, Indonesia are also included in this region.

Proboscis monkey - Image Credits: Lekies, at Pixabay

The visit will not be complete without a Borneo safari, to the Orangutan centers in Malaysia Borneo or the Indonesian part of it. Along your journey, you will also see other creatures from the wildlife including egrets, hornbills, sea eagles, macaques, elephants and the Proboscis Monkeys that exist only in the mangroves along Borneo's coast.

An afternoon tour could help you witness the herds of monkeys climbing from one tree to another and jumping into the river. According to the tourists who have been to the area, these monkeys have been seen jumping into the water from a height of 20 meters and then swim with agility to the riverbank with the help of their webbed digits in order to save themselves from the crocodiles in the river.


The river reminds me of the Orinoco River here in Venezuela in the Amazon jungle. It is fantastic that this space is taken care of from excessive tourism to preserve this masterful work of nature. Thanks for sharing ☺️😃

Que belleza estas imágenes el río me recuerda a al río Orinoco aquí en Venezuela en la selva amazónica. Es fantástico que este espacio sea cuidado del turismo excesivo para preservar está magistral obra de la naturaleza. Gracias por compartir ☺️😃


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