
I do. You're on my fav list which btw, it doesnt always work on peakd. Idk whats wrong there but in the last weeks I always get node errors when I try to access my favorite follow list.

So nice of you. 😊

I get those messages too, I refresh the page once or twice and it loads though. Give that a try.

Yes, that works for me too sometimes. Anyways, these days was better, didnt get this error as much as before.

I get the problem less too lately, it's a good thing.

I hope you're well and the week has been a good one so far. 🤗

I am good, thank you! My week so far was "normal". Exciting days are just about to come as I am in my way to Poland right now for a couple of days, so its going to be interesting. ✨️✨️

Have a lovely week ahead!