Autumn Colors this year through Photography

in Amazing Nature8 months ago

Hey guys!

Here's Sunday and we've had a lovely autumn so far: bright, shinny, warm.
Now its getting colder, and its almost like wanting to get comfi under a soft blanket. We're getting there as days are passing.

I didnt want to get over Fall Season without sharing a few photos I have taken a few weekends ago. I hope you'll enjoy it. ☺️

Amazing Nature really has a way of getting us charmed and driften away into a world of colors.
I love living in this part of the world where we get to feel and live four seasons. Every season has its own charm and I love Fall a lot. 🍁🍂


I've taken all these photos into a small forest not to far away from home.
It's a nice place to spend a few moments into nature, through seasons and all changes that come with them.

We have here oak trees, maple trees, linden trees. It's a small small forest on a rocky hill, right on the foot of the mountains.







Nature in Fall is wonderful, especially at country side. You get to observe the little changes day by day, little changes that in the end create a totally different landscape.

The nature itself slows down.
From green it will switch to red, yellow, orange and eventually brown until there is no color. At all.
The grass slowly becomes a leaf carpet, the perfect bed for many insects and little animal creatures who spend the next months underneath.
















Back in the days when I was small, like in my childhood I mean, Fall was a lot different.
Now September is really hot compared with 20 yrs ago.
Autumn days were rainy and the sky was cloudy most of the days. We had boots and raincoats. Umbrella was a Must item in our backpacks.
Nowadays, in recent years, we're at the sea in September, enjoying bathing and sunbeds; we had 30°C in the last days of September.

But no matter how weather is, Fall is a magical season when warmth combines with cold. I so love this! 🧡






What about you? Do you enjoy having a cozy day in Fall season, being kissed by the delicate wind and sunshines?
Do you enjoy spending time outside when the warmth of the sun and the magic light day are almost saying "it's time to slow down"? 🍁😊

I hope you enjoyed this small collection of Autumn Photos. Or maybe not that small. 😁

Love, missdeli



It's a really nice time of year for me...the colours and textures and the way the weather turns cooler after what is always a very hot summer here. It's picturesque, a perfect time for picnics and just a nice time all round. I guess it might be different for people who live in areas where winter is harsh and snowy, thinking that soon it'll be very cold, but I love this time of year and you've represented it well, as you always do.

I really really love the "cooler effect". Its what I enjoy the most, besides the colors. I love how during the day its warm outside and then it ends up a bit colder and you're in the mood for a soft sweater to warm u up.
Glad to know you're enjoying it too! I also feel that Fall is soooo welcomed after a hot summer! Its natural, I guess.

And thanks for commenting, I really appreciate it. I wasnt too good on that lately! 😊🥴

No worries on the commenting, it's my pleasure, and I understand you're busy so don't always have the chance to get back to me as readily as you'd like.

I have times when I dont comment as much as I would love to , thats fair! But trust me, I read a lot of posts here, your included! 😊

Thank you, it's nice to know you take a look at my posts when time permits.

I do. You're on my fav list which btw, it doesnt always work on peakd. Idk whats wrong there but in the last weeks I always get node errors when I try to access my favorite follow list.

So nice of you. 😊

I get those messages too, I refresh the page once or twice and it loads though. Give that a try.

I also love the colors in autumn and this new rhythm that nature offers to the world.

You took amazing pictures! Thanks a lot for sharing them!!

Thank youuuu! Colors in Fall really take u into another world sometimes!

@tipu curate

Thank you so much! Appreciate it!

so golden fall!
nice photos! now we have so rainy and windy days that I can't take such beauty in the for now I enjoy yours;)

Ooo windy and rainy sounds rough!
We are expecting cold nights these days too. Also I think its going to be cool even during the day...
Yes, it was such a good day when I took the pics! Lovely time 🧡

Thank u for commenting, my friend!

Hi @misadeli I am happy to be a part of this community and hope to make many friends here. Now I start my new life after prison. I will be grateful for your support.

Hi there! Welcome then, glad to hear you're doing well and looking to make new friends.

Yes, I made new friends, I love hive, I had to take a break but I'm here again, full of adrenaline. If you look at my last post you will see, have a nice day

Love this kind of scenery and of course the season too. I can never get enough of its colors :)

I think that too! Did u see how wonderful it looks the Scropoasa Lake in fall? It's amazing!! I dont know why I thought at this, Lol 🤣🤣

Yes! Been there twice but never during the autumn

I've only been once, but I saw photots in fall! The view is amazing. 🙈🍁🍂

Can't agree more!


 8 months ago  

How are you dear friend @missdeli good morning
There are two seasons that I love, one is spring, I am passionate about plants and beautiful flowers, the other season that I love is autumn, how it dyes everything in its path yellow and gold, it is a beautiful sensation.
What beautiful photographs, I appreciate that you shared this beautiful experience.
have a nice week

Hi I'm fine. Thank you. I hope you're doing well too!☺️
I'm glad you shared all that you mentioned here, to my post, dedicated to nature and fall. I also love spring for the same reasons you mentioned.

Have a wonderful week yourself and thank you for stopping by!

We appreciate your work and your publication has been hand selected by the geography curation team on behalf of the Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!

Here it's stayed relatively warm until last night. I was able to get a lot done in the veg gardens. In the past I would have had to stop due to cold. Most of the leaves are off the trees now and it's rather bleak.

very beautiful!


Autumn, a season of contrasts and colours, is that time of year when nature prepares to take a break.
Very nice are your pictures especially as I know the area😉

Yep! I'm also looking forward to take a break! 😅😅😅

There are still a few details to be worked out and 🚗

That too! 🧡
But I was mostly thinking of just being lazy at home. Ahhh, and one more thing. This year I really want to have a rummy night at my place! Tell Rox and come over! I mean it! It would be preferably a weekend day when Caleb it's to my mom's! 😅😅

The invitation for a rummy evening is accepted, we just need to set the date, most likely it will be on a weekend day next month as this month is already booked.

Ok. Next month then! 😄

There, it's settled then.