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RE: Nature's own defense system and water tanks - Thorny Cacti and Succulents

in Amazing Nature4 years ago

Hi @lizelle Your "Euphorbia" isn't a euphorbia at all, its Pachypodium lamerei, also called Madagascan palm. Some people also call them "halfmens" although that isn't a true Halfmens, those look similar but are found in Namibia.

Your Aloe Dorothea isn't looking good because it is infested with Agave running bug. Spray all the leaves and especially near the crown with Malasol spray and repeat after 2 weeks to get rid of it


Thank you so much, I really appreciate your help in identifying it; searched high and low for the correct name!
I'm going to have to edit my post to correct that, you're a star!
I will follow your advice as that poor Aloe really looks sick, they're usually so gorgeous.


Yes, do spray it: those agave running bugs are a curse and can kill aloes if the infestation gets bad enough