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RE: Amazing Nature - Visiting the dinosaur exhibition in Talampaya National Park: giants that lived before us. / Visitando la exposición de dinosaurios en el Parque Nacional Talampaya: gigantes que habitaron antes que nosotros. 😃❤️

in Amazing Nature3 months ago

How are you dear friend @lauramica good night

It's good that you didn't have to wait long for the start of the tour of that beautiful place, plus, with three hours of travel there is a lot of time to appreciate and enjoy the attractions there.

What a beautiful archaeological exploration the Triassic trail offers, how much history that place holds, I love the informative signage about the different types of dinosaurs.

What a great visiting experience, I appreciate you sharing all these details and the beautiful photographs.

Have a splendid night and a happy rest


Thanks Luis :D I'm glad this trail exists, it was good to entertain yourself for a while after the main walk 😃. Happy rest for you too 💕