Enjoying the Beauty of the Wild Nature in the Center of City of Surrey.

in Amazing Nature11 months ago (edited)


Happy weekend everyone. Hope you are all doing great and excited for thd weekend.

So I finally made it to one of my favorite parks. Green Timbers Park.



I love coming here because this park is so natural and so peaceful and it even has a tiny lake, where you can do some fishing.



There are many beautiful parks here with beautiful green grass and gorgeous flowers and beautiful landscaping, but theres something so special about the natural parks, that I really love and enjoy.




I think it makes me feel so much more relaxed and peaceful, because it's just a natural, peaceful beauty.




This tiny lake is very shallow, but every time we go there, there are many people fishing there, so there must be a lot of fish there. No matter if we come on weekday or weekend, in a day time or later in a day, there are always a lot of fisherman here, which is pretty cool, because you can go fishing right in the city of Surrey. No need to drive hours away to some lakes.


This park also has a few different trails which are so beautiful, but this time, we just walked where the sun was still shining, since it was later in a day, and I wanted to get as much sun as I could, so I didn't feel like walking in a shade.

Next time, when it's a hotter day and we go for a longer walk, we can walk few of those trails.

Thank you for joining us on this gorgeous nature walk. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
Love @joalvarez

I am a great supporter of @familyprotection which is working very hard to help the families stay together and this project is the most
amazing project that I would suggest for everyone in this hive community to check it out and support it and by doing it we are helping people in need who are trying to keep their kids safe from being taken away (kidnapped) by the Social Services. Here is the link Click here

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Image created by my beautiful friend @sunnylife


Indeed this is a great amazing nature where we can have some time to relax for a while. Thanks for sharing the great pictures with us.

Thank you @jenthoughts for your awesome visit.
My daily priority is to spend at least 20 minutes in nature for my peace of mind.

Wow! That's a good habit.

You captured those photos perfectly. It was such a very refreshing place perfect to unwind. Thanks for sharing this amazing nature you have there. God bless.

Thank you @amoreyl for your lively comment. I love taking pictures of the beauty of nature, especially the wild nature, created by God for us to enjoy.
God bless.

What a wonderful place to stay and relx in the middle of the city. Oh! The lake is beautiful, and amazing to know that a lot of people are visiting the place for fishing.

Yes. I live it, plus it's so awesome that we don't have to drive for hours to spend time in nature, in this beautiful park anx do soms fishjng too, ic you wish.
Have a wonderful day @selfssgem

Thank you. Have a great day too😊

I love visiting the park too since it costs nothing. All I got is the relaxing of mind as it is quite. Yess the lake seems so lonely without fisherman just like what I have been too. Someday may fisherman come with many group, but sometimes I can't see even one of them.

Have a wonderful weekend!

I agree @ahleap. The best relaxing and healing place is in nature and it's absolutely free.
It's so sad to see how many oeople do nit realize that, nature is the best medicine.