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RE: Return from the road trip.

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

Farm life a dream place to reside, loads of outdoor work, plenty of knowledge handed down over the years, I believe some farms use geese to eat insects around the wine plantations, now living a balanced life with nature, no pesticides needed!

Healthy pig and merino sheep, donkey still wins as the cutest in town!

!LUV - Happy Saturday greetings.
!WINE You in the winelands....


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@papilloncharity, you've been given LUV from @joanstewart.

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Indeed a dream and we landed here on an apple farm, but circumstances changed and the farm was sold.

They train special squads of geese in the winelands to clear out the snails and other bugs.
Like you said, less pesticides that go into the ground.

Hahaha, we used to ride donkeys when I was young and we love farm animals.


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