
Ecency seems to behave well here now with the replies Hannes.
I hope that it's the same at your end.

Oh yeah and I am glad that know that, as too many of the unspeakable persons could be equally dangerous. I am sure that this was what you hinted on 🤣

Cheers and thanks!

Yes, it is working fine here too today 😄

You were sure and you were right, I meant also the already forgotten unspeakable persons 🤣

Cheers and !BEER

Hahaha, I think that we almost have our mental synchronization correct my friend.
Never thought that I could think along the same lines as a mountain goat, but miracles still happen 🤣

Cheers and thanks!

We are living in strange times my friend, and this might cause your new way of thinking.
Next step will be a beard and you will climb on a mountain 😉

Cheers and !BEER

Oh yes, please don't be surprised if I do lol.
At least with a long beard on a mountain I will not be troubled by everything that's going on in this mad world of ours.

Cheers and thanks!

That's true, sometimes when I am alone up there and look down, I wished that I wouldn't need to go back down again.

Cheers and !BEER

Yes, isolation in a beautiful spot amidst the silence can really teach us what life should have been about Hannes,

They say that by hearing the noise and activity of others makes one to feel a belonging and to feel alive. I really don't think that they know what they are talking about, as they have obviously never been into a heavenly high place in the mountains!

Cheers and thanks!

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