Reflections in the breakwater

in Amazing Nature3 years ago


Goethe wisely said that behavior is a mirror in which each one shows his image.


If we talk about behaviors and mirrors, we could consider that the sea is an image of life and the breakwater the mirror where you look and show your true intentions.


And even by curling the curl more, as they say, the breakwater would be just another of the many obstacles that we have to overcome in the image of the sea, which does it as and when it wants.


Because that is, deep down, life: an immeasurable force that always makes its way regardless of obstacles.


NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and therefore are subject to my Copyright.






A good emulating. If sea is a life, shape of which breakwater makes.

Thanks, friend

Bendito sean los rompeolas que son capaces de controlar y "aguantar" la impetuosidad de los mares!! Creo que hay muchas personas que son como ese mar de tus imágenes: feroces e imponentes; otras, como esa lápida de cemente que apacigua, que aquieta. Me gustaría ser siempre como el mar que aunque se rompa, siempre vuelve con los mismos bríos, con la misma necesidad de mojar las orillas. Un abrazo de mar para ti!

Cierto, pero tampoco hay que olvidar, que pesar de esos bloques de cemento, a pesar de los obstáculos que se pongan en su camino, el agua, como la vida, siempre busca la manera de salvar los escollos que se le presentan, abriéndose camino. Esa es la verdadera lección: ser como el mar y aprender a salvar los escollos. Un fuerte abrazo

hello happy surf friday
the sea says so many things and reflects so many emotions
I would like to visit you again and again and again

Ha ha ha ... the sea is always a model that teaches like any good teacher, whom it stops long enough to listen to. I would not tire of going up to these shores and looking towards this sea. Happy day

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