The role of foliage in the holistic contribution of nature is immense...

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

Hi my loving Nature lovers,

How are you my friends? I hope you are doing well in this difficult time. As I mentioned earlier, nature is a place that gives us great comfort. There are no words to describe nature. Trees produce the oxygen needed to sustain human life. Here the role of the leaves of the trees is immense. But a lot of people don’t talk about it.


The role of foliage in the production of nutrients for humans as well as wild animals is immense. These leaves also carry out the process of photosynthesis, the production of food for trees. Not to mention the beauty that these plants give to nature. Today's content is trying to show you some of the most diverse foliage found in our backyard.


Of course these leaves are there for the trees to produce food, not just for the beauty of nature. Some leaves are also used by people for medicinal purposes in a variety of foods. In our country, we definitely choose a type of leaf that is suitable for lunch. Common leaflets commonly found in meals are prepared in urban areas, while in rural areas different types of leaves are prepared as salads or sambals. The types of papers I have included are the ones we use most often at home.


I will not attempt to mention each of these types of papers separately. Take a good look at the different shapes of these. In fact, they are objects that enhance the beauty of nature, but have not received much attention from humans.


Some of the leaves I have mentioned here are suitable not only for eating but also for preparing porridge. Ayurveda states that they also help to get rid of snake venom. These leaves are also used in local Ayurvedic treatments.


In the photo above are the leaves of a delicious fruit vine called Passion Fruit. They can also be cooked with coconut as a delicacy and served with rice as a delicacy. The foliage also has a wonderful shape.


It's amazing how our villagers still make these wonderful. Eating these plants still makes the eyes of older people look better. Similarly, diseases are not so common. From that point of view, people who still live in villages are lucky.


Many people think that the beauty of nature is enhanced only by objects such as flowers. But how many beautiful objects are there in nature that do not catch our eye?


In all respects, foliage plays the most important role in the survival of the planet. Without them we cannot hope for a better life.


So I want to kind request you. If you have any opportunity or idea please planting at least small plant. It will be great investment for future. Our children waiting to see greenery world in the future like us. Always prevent any damages to the mother nature and give priority place from our side.

Thanks for reading. Happy weekend.







Very important message and many interesting photos. Thanks for your contribution to the Amazing Nature community but most importantly to our planet my friend :)

@tipu curate 2