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RE: Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 129

in Amazing Nature2 years ago

I don't really want to be a curator, because honestly I dont have time...and its out of discussion to auto vote my posts. So no.

I asked you (Yes, YOU, because I saw that you use it) because recently I started a community and I'm thinking that maybe this will grow and I dont have much in my wallet to support you know? And if I'll have good content, maybe I can use tipu.
It was just an idea I had yesterday night so its no rush. Still researching....But thank you for your comment.
And yes, if @cardboard can help me out with just sharing maybe some info I can read, that would be great. Thanks a lot. 😋


I see. We can do it like it. Since you don´t have the time to be an official TipU curator and curate stuff every day, you can just stop by my blog with a comment where you put the links for the posts from your new community that you would like to be upvoted by TipU and I will send the votes there :) Could be a win win situation as it´s sometimes quite time consuming to look for good posts to be curated by TipU so this would save me some time while giving the support where you need it. What do you think about it?

I think it's the BEST OPTION I could think of haha! Well, you thought of! I didn't haha.THANKS THANKS!😍
But still, just so you know, there's no activity in there, yet. But if things get to move a bit, than definetely I'll reach you out. Can I DM you in discord when the time comes? There will be a lot of comments and posts from this moment and it would be easier for us to talk there and send you the links (if there would be any, ever hahaha).

Here's my community, in case you want to take a look. Healthy Happy Kids

Absolutely :) You can find me there as #6162 phortun

Thanks for the link, the community looks amazing, I think there is a lot of potential for great content in there :) Let me know whenever you need some support for it. Will be a pleasure for me to help out a bit :)

Ok thanks. Great :D:D