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RE: A sign of bad weather.

Maybe we won't last that long Hannes, as the results of some nature studies reckon it's already too late to try and repair all of the damage that we have done.

Yesterday in the news a big rock crashed through the roof of a house somewhere in the USA and it landed on a pillow next to a sleeping woman. Scientists have confirmed that it is a meteor and the story should be on Google.
South Africa also has some huge craters left by meteors that struck the earth.

So who knows, maybe one day a huge pill will strike our planet to heal all of our headaches and it doesn't sound very comfortable to me.

Cheers and thanks.


In that case Mother Nature has done a good job and I can only hope that the pill is big and fast 😁enough that we don't notice we are not here anymore

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Hahaha, I like your thoughts and yes, I do think that the pill would be a fiery rock about the size of the moon without the shine. It will connect at a speed of approximately 700 thousand kph.
So it will be a farewell for all of us 😉

Cheers and thanks.

Good evening Zac,

I think this pill would be enough to make a reset for Mother Earth 😁

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Good evening Hannes,

Yes, that will be one hell of bang that could even knock you planet into reverse.
Spinning it back to 1500s so it all can start again.

Cheers and thanks.

Good evening Zac,

yep, but do you believe that we would do it right the next time?

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Good evening Hannes.

No, definitely not, unless we take the knowledge that we have now back with us.
I don't think that will be and everything will just be repeated exactly as it is now until the next meteor strike.

Cheers and thanks.

Good evening Zac,
that's exactly what I am thinking too.

!BEER and !PIZZA - nice 😃

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