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RE: Some beautiful sights here on Valentines Day!

Halloumi grilled in finger lengths are delicious Hannes, especially eaten with a hot chili dip.
We now have two new tomatoe chilli plants and the fruits that look like cocktail tomatoes are very hot.
Even the birds and animals don't touch them 🤣

He has not answered me yet, but I let him be.

Cheers and thanks!


I tried it and I didn't like the consistence, but if I was hungry I would eat it anyway ;)

I think I know these hot tomatoes. When I was younger I loved hot meals and ate Sicilian chilli peppers, but when the kids were born we began to eat less flavored ... and I have become used of it.

Yes, he should take his time and help his wife. That's more important, and we will wait anyway :)

Cheers and !BEER

To each his own my friend.

Yeah and now I am waiting to do the second bottle of chilli tomatoe dip.
I crush the tomatoes in a bottle, fill it with pure lemon juice, add a teaspoon of salt and then let the bottle sit for a few weeks. That dip blows one's ears off 🤣
It is great to clean one's system with it.

JJ said thank you and he sends his regards.

Cheers and thanks!

Years ago I used a bottle of whiskey to clean my system - to reset the harddisk.

Thanks for the greetings 😀

Cheers and !BEER

Amazing to think that we were once like that. It seems to me like past chapter in a book and that we now are now in the next chapter. I am now in the retirement chapter and you will soon join me in your own 🤣

Cheers and thanks.

Alcohol is a chapter I'm glad that it's over.

Oh yes, as said in so many other replies, I hope to join you soon in the retirement chapter 😁

Cheers and !BEER

Well said and you know that you will be welcomed with open arms to my club Hannes.
Maybe we can appoint you as the international, volunteer spokesman of the @papilloncharity in Austria and the neighboring countries 😜😎😉🤣

Cheers and thanks!

Haha, no way - I just wanted to make a little break from drinking beer and that has become a habit - there's nothing more to say 🤣

Cheers and !BEER

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