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RE: A peak into my garden

It is great to be able to grow your own food, no matter how big or small your garden is. I started off small with just strawberries and berry bushes, then added the herbs, but now I'm very excited to see how the vegetable thing is going to go this year!

Thanks for adding me to your auto voter, I really appreciate the support! I had one going on Steemit while I was away, but I hasn't worked for a while now. For now, I'm back, so I'm sticking to manual voting. I do like your content, so you definitely get a lot of votes from me :-)


You are so sweet! Thank you for taking the time to reply with such a nice message; and of course thank you very much for the support of my blog as well. I'm happy you enjoy my content :) On another note, my mom used to have about a dozen blueberry bushes. Wow were they good. For about two months each summer it was an all you can blueberry buffet. So healthy, so good for you! Enjoy your garden and I'm sure your new veggies are going to be great this year! Have an awesome day!

Ooh I love blueberries! I keep planting new, young blueberry bushes in my gardens, but then I move... so I've never seen more than a couple of berries on them and the birds notice them too. I've got three small bushes here now, so I hope I get to see them grow and produce many, tasty berries :-)

Have a good day!

That would be great. Hope your blueberries are bountiful! Have a good day too! :)