
Loss is tough, regardless of the circumstances. I know you are all to familiar with it as well. Molly with the side eye! she knows me all too well I think. I'll send you some berries.. hmmmm, let see.. where do you live? Oh yeah! "The Little Blue Planet"! hehe. They are on their way!!!

How sweet of you to send me the strawberries.
Well, I just discovered that you've delegated 100 HP to my account.
I am pretty dumb when it comes to crypto and I have no clue what I am doing here at Hive. Been active here for three weeks now.
I just write what I feel like and don't check anything else.
Thank you so much for your generosity to a complete stranger like me.
I am so ashamed that I didn't notice this earlier, I accidentally clicked on the HP amount now and discovered this a few minutes ago.
I hope you didn't conclude that I am an ingrate.
Oh I am from Bangalore, India.
Thank you so much once again.

Don't worry about it. I mentioned it in a comment a while back, but doesn't matter.. it's fine. I just know its hard to do anything around here without resource credits. I hope it helps a little. We dog lovers have to stick together.. hehe. Bangalore India?! Cool. India is on my short list of places to visit, but after the Covid scare has gone away. 😊

I am sorry I missed it. Thankfully I have had generous people on my side who helped me without me even having to ask for it and that includes you.
Hmm.. India is a scary place now. This too shall pass and we will emerge covid free some day soon... until then it would be 'stay home, stay safe and write all you can.'
Have a wonderful day. Goodnight from Bangalore.

Yes.. 11:30pm there and only 2:30PM here.. Go To Bed!!! lol Have a good night 😊