A walk to remember...!!!


Hello hivers Good morning its a very beautiful day. When I woke up in the morning I see little clouds so I went out for walk. Whenever I have some question about life I go out for walk and talk to myself and think about If I think wrong or right.


While walking I start thinking that If every human on this earth listen carefully everyone make their own decision by them and every decision related to human being should be mutual. Because in todays world every political party taking decision for themselve only.


If you realise why we are paying the rent of the house on this planet when we are free here. If belong to earth why we are paying money to live here. Its just disgusting everyone buys land but who is the real owner. Nature is the owner not a person.


We should pay the rent through planting trees and cleaning the planet earth thats what should be pay. We should save the nature by reducing pollution. And we should save the resources. Because we human live on earth and we should save it for upcoming generation.


When I see water bodies its almost drained and other are fully polluted. You will see plastic bottles,dipers,clothes etc. which is consumed to by the fishes and they are dying in water. And these water bodies are polluted by the tourists and some uneducated people.


Through this blog I just want to aware the people so thats why not showing the real pictures of polluted areas and water bodies. I just want give message to the people that they should wakeup now its time to save the nature otherwise we will face some big disaster.


I have decided that now I am gonna clean my area where I live and want to aware the people about happenings after the polluted areas and how should we clean our area. I will definately post vlog also when I will do this.


These walks taught me alot because your mind is everything it will show you the real path. Other person just will show you the path but your mind choose what to do or not. So be honest with yourself and try to do good for the nature and society. Thankyou see you soon.


Nice thoughts! And gorgeous pics. This is the only planet we have to live on, and we better do something to give nature the treatment it deserves. Cheers!

Every thing & every thought you said was indeed TRUE. I agree to that, we should pay rent by planting trees & take care our nature..all of us here in earth will get nothing when it's time for us to leave.
I love your blog @themountainsheep 💚

Thankyou so much I just want to aware every human being on this earth.

I love your eco thoughts @themountainsheep. I hope everyone thinks and feels the same way then what a lovely universe we have.

Thankyou for appreciating❤️

 2 years ago  

how are you dear friend @themountainsheep good morning
I loved the places where you have walked, it is very good to think; Excellent thoughts you say very true things
enjoy the weekend

Thankyou so much for appreciating.. ❤️

We appreciate your work and your publication has been hand selected by the geography curation team on behalf of the Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!

thankyou so much❤️


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Beautiful place!!!!

yes it is❤️