Shrug grows slowly but ... Stitch 'n Bitch in Leipzig! / うちの街でもStitch 'n Bitch!

in NeedleWorkMonday4 years ago


As summer holidays started from today, I don't have much time for knitting ... ;) My shrug grows slowly ...

But good news is that I may have a chance to start Stitch 'n Bitch in Leipzig. Stitch 'n Bitch is a social knitting group you can find everywhere in the world.

Stitch 'n Bitch - Wikipedia

I was attending Stitch 'n Bitch in Linz, Austria when I was staying in the city as a guest researcher of an art university. It was so nice to meet knit with other knitters and crocheters every week from evening to sometimes until midnight at a cafe.

I proposed to host Leipzig version to the Japanese House, a cultural and creative space in Leipzig, yesterday and they kindly let me host the first one on 6th October. Then we'll see how people likes it.


Slow in knitting but great progress on my dream to host Stitch 'n Bitch in Leipzig 😊

That's my Needlework Monday!


そんな中でも編み物に関するおもしろい進展がありました。年初からライプチヒにある日本の家というイベントスペースに出入りさせてもらっていて、LeipzigでもStitch 'n Bitchをやってみたい!といったところ、10月にまずは一回試しにやってみることになりました。

Stitch 'n Bitchはグローバルな編み物愛好家の集まりで、各地で編み物ミートアップが定期的に開催されています。

Stitch 'n Bitch - Wikipedia

私自身、オーストリアのリンツという小さな街の芸術大学で研究員をしていたときにたまたまCouch Surfingの集まりでリンツのStitch 'n Bitchをとりまとめている方と知り合って、はまりにはまって毎週カフェで夜な夜な雑談をしながら編み物を楽しみました。



 4 years ago  

Ah.. your knitting is so pretty. I can imagine how beautiful the shrug's going to turn out. Stitch n' Bitch sounds really cool. I have to search if one exist where I am at.

Thanks @marblely. Yes yes, you should. I think big cities has the group but Linz, where I got to know Stitch 'n Bitch is not a big city with population of 200K :)

Nothing's better than meeting with like-minded people!

And the shrug has time till it gets colder - till then have a !BEER

Did you take a look at the Ravelry page of groups in Germany?

Good point Muscara ... I just searched by "Leipzig Stitch n Bitch" and didn't find any. It was the same when I was looking for seed/plant exchange 😅I jump in some of them and see what kind of gathering they are.

Hey @akipponn, here is a little bit of BEER from @muscara for you. Enjoy it!

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