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RE: Sewing again.

in NeedleWorkMondaylast year

Now when you are finally back, inspiration loaded and refreshed "grab the threads!"

Even though no matter how much you love your job or hobby, over time, satiation will come, that famous list of questions "am I still in this or has it just become a habit" will appear, but luckily it's mostly just a phase.

Today, we easily get lost in the abundance of everything we could do, but would that something new keep us long enough until we ask ourselves again "is this for me?"

Beside clean clothes beneath the Apron :D, would never guess that will also bring many, many great things and people to me (:


Yes, yes, yes! 🧶
I guess that is part of the curse and the blessing if your hobby is becoming a lifestyle or a job...:)

True again, there are so many choices, it's horrible! I guess thats where we also have to accept that not everything needs to be tried and surely not everything is for yourself. Even if someone else makes it look easy and beautiful:)